“Lets play a round of my favorite game! Frogger Teabaggin! All you have to do is go into the Construct Quarter of Naxxramas, wait for the slimes to kill one of your buddies, then run up between the slimes and give em a good ol’ teabag! Don’t die though, cause then you’ll lose.”
Edit: Ok, it has been pointed out to me that I’m doing this wrong… no wonder they’ve all been laughing at me… ~>(
- Coffinshaker
HAHAHAHAHAHA, dude, it’s hilarious, I used to do the same thing… (until they’d get pissed off and kick me from the raid… T-T)
Yeah, I hear ya… Unfortunately, for them anyways, I have another bad habit on my pally. See… just stand on the body, bubble, then rez… if they aren’t paying attention, they’ll rez right on top of another one! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! yeah… they don’t like it when you do that either it seems.