The time has come once again to choose a new Lich King! After a long and difficult competition a clear winner has been crowned. Congratulations Bolvar Fordragon! Your fiery attitude, “built in” Speedos, and whatever that stuff sticking out of you is, proved to be just what the judges are looking for! Thus concludes the Miss Lich King Pageant of 2010!
I’m making the assumption everybody has seen the video in game or online by now…
So yeah, before the new Lich King was named, there were a lot of rumors floating around on who would become Arthas’s successor. Varok Saurfang seemed like a decent choice for many as a level headed yet dutiful Orc; though they’ve had trouble with Orc Lich Kings before… Tirion Fordring was so close too before Bolvar snatched up the title. Though my fav, Sylvanas Windrunner seemed like a logical choice. No, it’s not cause I’m tooting the Forsaken flag! She got a LOT of crap from Arthas over the years so the chance to grab the title seems only natural. A little pay back, unite the Forsaken and Scourge, overthrow the living… Doesn’t seem like a bad choice now does it?
It’s such a happy occasion, even a lava man can shed a tear!
BAHAHAHA I love Lady Sylvanas’s swimwear.