Hunters have a lot of tricks up their sleeves and as a former hunter, I have to say… I have done this more than I’d care to admit! Sometimes things get a little too dicey in PvP and playing dead seems like such a good idea. Feign Death drops you from their target, you look dead, and unless you’re within an inch of your life with a DOT, then MAYBE they’ll go away. Especially if all kinds of chaos is going on around you. Of course, there’s your faithful pet standing right next to your body and the confused look on their faces when just a second ago you had full health… That’s when things usually don’t go very well…
(Just in case there’s some confusion, especially with all you Alliance players, the Forsaken have the ability Cannibalize, which lets them eat dead humanoids to restore some HP.)
This was actually one of the first ideas I had back in 2007 when Coffin Comics was but a dream. Seems like such a long time ago now…
Cameos for this week include old Twotoes (remember him?), Elasue, Kishkuman, and my old hunter SaltyBill.
Hahaha, I’ve had hunters feign death on me in PvP. It’s like, “Ok, I know I didn’t hit you THAT hard…”
XD well… if you were ever in my battlegroup and saw an Ally hunter named Saltybill do that… um… totally wasn’t me! I swear!
An’ I still fall for Feign Death on arenas -.-”
lol, yeah… me too… and I was a hunter too… it’s sad.. XD
Now I need to find 8 more people who still fall for Feign Death in arenas.
This makes me feel a lot better about eating gnome.
They’re not too bad… kinda tastes like pork… but them dwarves are the best! pre marinated in beer! mmmm
Haha ya. Ive always wanted to try that but in my blood lust I forget to click on the canalize button. OH WELL! More honor for me. :3
Btw great comics. Keep up the good work! :D
>D thank you!
Hey, I’m an undead mage too! Just started reading this comic, it’s awesome. I cannibalize hunters feigning death when I can, but they never stay in it long enough D:. My server has an awesome glitch where sometimes it kills the hunter when you cannibalize. Soooo i tried it on my friend in a duel. He hasn’t dueled me again for a year or two.
Why thank you!
Wow, that’d be hilarious if it still kills them! I’ll have to go try that! Makes sense though… not going to be living too much if your buddy gobbles up your body… XD
Hah, best Troll dialect I’ve ever seen printed. (Every damn toon I play is a troll, unless the class doesn’t allow it XD)
and soon(tm) you’ll have even more classes to play! I for one will have a troll druid day 1!!!
People give me hell for rolling a troll prot warrior xD, they’re always “wtf noob roll tauren”.