That's right! I woke up to a nasty little notice in my email that my account had been hacked, guild bank looted, and characters deleted! Just lovely huh?
You think you're safe... running the latest antivirus, antispyware, and firewalls; but it just goes to show you, it all amounts to nothing! So, my order for an Authenticator will be in shortly! >)
To everyone out there: Go get one, nothing on my computer suggests it was a keylogger so they must have done it another way. I don't know how, but in any case, everybody should go out and buy one NOW! Let my hubris be a lesson to you all!
To the account hackers: Well... if I find you... lets just say "broken legs" will be the least of your concerns...
ps... Sindella makes a cameo in this mini comic.
Oh no!! :(
I’m really sorry to hear that, dude. Talk to a GM asap and try to get your stuff back.
Best of luck, and remember - an authenticator is your friend!
Heh… yeah… you tell me now! XD
But thank you. This whole thing has been a huge mess!
I was so reluctant to get one cause when I was on my mac, the thing crashed every 5 seconds, so it made having one a hassel. Now that I’m all pc, guess my only excuse was that I was a bit lazy. lol. Hopefully others will learn from my experience.
XD yeah, I keep asking blizz for the name and address of the offender… for some reason, they refuse to give it up… maybe I shouldn’t close my emails stating “…and then feed him to a pit of angry boars!”
Wait…you had a Mac and…it crashed??? (Runs outside to check and see if the moon is still in the sky…okay, it is. Yep, gravity still works…water still runs downhill…ice is still cold…)
That royally “suxxorz”. I actually got an authenticator because I’m a big techno-nerd and wanted it as a souvenir :-)
Hope they find the [this section censored by the FBI, CIA, KGB, USCG, DoT, DoD, M-O-U-S-E for incredibly graphic language that even shocked George Carlin's ghost] and hope you can get some/most/all of your stuff back.
I know! It’s amazing isn’t it? Well, I had… unfortunately… bought the first line of MacBook Pros in the series starting 3yrs ago… This series had MAJOR heat issues with the thermal paste and whatnot. Thus, by the time I realized it was a defective model, the heat had fried just about everything inside. So now it crashes, I have to turn the fans on full, take out the battery when doing anything more than email, and turn the colors down to thousands, not millions… all to squeeze another year of life out of it. Of course, I could have Mac fix it… but from what they quoted me… it’d cost about the same to just buy a new computer. >(
Heh! Must’ve been that magical 8th word you cant say on tv that crossed the line huh?
Aw dude, that’s terrible! Very very sorry to hear it, especially when you go to great length to keep your account safe. :(
I got hit recently, my guild was being attacked like crazy for some reason, we had to get a GM to join to sort things out so really feeling your pain there and hoping you get sorted asap.
Thanks! Just goes to show, despite all the tricks you try to use to secure yourself… you can’t be 100% safe on these interwebs! Hopefully I get my authenticator thingy pretty soon!
Sorry to hear about the guild thing! That’s crazy you’d get guild specific attacks! Did ya out roll someone for a leet BOE item or something? XD
Authenticators are for the win! They get 3 thumbs up from me (just don’t ask me how)
That sucks… To date, alot of ppl are getting hacked… over half my guild got hit within a month… and oddly alot of us have security at highest levels.. we ended up ordering multiple authenticators. seems odd… Most of the guild had the theory that Blizz is doing it to get sales up on Authenticators..
lol! conspiracy!
but heck, it worked. I just got mine in yesterday. I couldn’t imagine it ‘d be worth it to them cause I know I’ve bugged them for a long long time to get my account back up and running. and still am bugging them XD
It does seem odd.. Not sure it’s all that much of a conspiracy, but Authenticators aren’t all that.. I’ve had mine for a month now and just got hacked today
sorry to hear you got hacked too!! >(
yeah, I checked that out too… apparently there was a nasty little trojan going around that replaces your launch screen? something like that.
Visit my DeviantArt version of this mini comic HERE… there’s some really good info on account security and a lot of loopholes. Once you get your account back (if you had a fake authenticator put in), change your EMAIL and password.
Oh man. I’m so sorry. I keep hearing these horror stories about this happening to people. I, on a whim, got the authenticator (alright, I wanted the stupid corehound pet, leave me alone!) and I’m glad I did. I had guildies get hacked and I keep reading the stories. I’m thinking I need to convince my boyfriend to get one, cause with all his 80′s, losing them would really suck.
Glad, that as of me commenting, you got your toons and stuff back.
The problem is so epidemic too! Since I was hacked, a few more, like 6 or so of my guildies were hacked as well! Tons of people on my server too! The authenticator is such a necessary thing now a days. And what makes me even more mad, you see the gold sellers spamming trade and you just KNOW that’s where they get it from. I mean… you don’t really see any farmers anymore… only one other way to get that much… >(
Yeah, or get one for him! Makes a nice Bday or Christmas present… >)
Hopefully you’ve changed your password, too. Even if you didn’t download any malware, someone still could’ve cracked a weak password.
yeah, that was the first thing I did!
Basically, here’s the check list of what to do when you get wow hacked:
*Contact a GM ingame (or have a guildy do it)! If you can not, then you have to call or email them… like billing at something or other…
*get rid of your addons! especially if you have curse do it auto for you. then go and re add them manually
*virus scan / malware scan / spyware scan…
*buy an authenticator!
*Change your password when you get into battlenet
*change your email to something just for wow
*if you can not get into battlenet, you might have to post in a specific spot on the forums. I don’t remember where, but you can find it pretty easy.
*beg the GMs to get your stuff back