I guess Soon isn’t what it used to be… I made this mini comic this morning, as a continuation of my epicless angst. See, I’ve been logging in to chat with my guildies and beg in the streets of Dalaran for booze money. So, I made this comic as an illustration of my plight.
HOWEVER! When I logged in, not a moment ago, what do I find? My beloved main back where he should be, with stuff galore! Blizz finally came through for me! Guess it was about 7ish days to get it all back.
So… Thanks Blizz! >D
Anyways, guess I’ll post this anyways, since it’s done and all… XD
Also… on a side note… check out my Haxored comic on DeviantArt HERE, there were a lot of great posts on ways to keep your account secure and some good info on what to do afterward.
Booze money? the most noble cause ever!
Anyways… Yay for coffin to be back!
I know right?! Yeah, got all of them on one realm… just need to get my other one… XD but that’s not as critical.
When my account was hacked, the person ran several level 70 heroics, and I was able to make enough gold off of what they did while my account was hacked to buy my paladin epic flying. Also, I received all of my equipment back.