Right… So… Eclipse came out… Then this happened… Don’t hate me… XD
For those who don’t know, this is the Blood Prince Council in Icecrown Citadel. Three pretty tough bosses that are fairly difficult to fight (eh, for me anyways). Anyways, one of the bosses, Prince Taldaram, uses Glittering Sparks attack, which is basically fanciful sparklies. At one point in the fight, Prince Valanar will announce “Naxxanar was merely a setback!”, which is referenced here by Emmett, since Denali didn’t go over so well for them…
My buddy over at TormentOfTheWeek.com did a cool comic this last week featuring many characters from various WoW webcomics (including Coffin!). So head on over there and take a look! >D
WoW is full of setbacks >.<
Tempest Keep was merely a setback too…
I have never seen Twilight, New Moon, or Eclipse.
I have remained pure.
Then you polluted me with shirtless sparklies.
Damn you, Coffin!!!!!!!!
AHAHA! Oh, damn. Keep ‘em coming.
FINE! maybe I will! gosh! XD
(typed in my best napoleon dynamite accent)
I don’t care what anyone says, that movie is great >_>
It makes me sick I know anything at all about Twilight.
me too… me too…
I like the “running away” postures they have - struck me as funny for some reason :)
hehe thanks! the girl (who’s name I still have not created… out of laziness of course) drove me crazy to draw… I had it perfect in my head but ended up redrawing it a few times before I was satisfied.
lol… if yall only saw my undersketches… it’s as if cans of silly string blew up…
Hahaha! Sparkle power is a thing to be feared indeed!
you must fear Mr.Sparkle!
I’m still surprised they make a big stink about not going out in the sun… don’t the kids like the body glitter now a days? they could just say it’s the “in thing”!
Best comic ever.
But now I’ve lol’d soda out my nose.
You also really out done yourself with the artwork too.
awe!! why thank you so much! >D
While Twilight sucks dragon cockles, this comic was hai-lair-eeeous.
XD my friends and I saw the first one thinking it might be interesting… it was… um… “interesting” to say the least. I can’t say we go to watch drama… more for their comedic value than anything.
and seriously though… why do werewolves follow “Hulk” mechanics? massive transformations and the only thing left are a pair of daisy dukes…
I seriously had to get the 13 year old from next door to explain to me who those people were… Her explanation of their tortured existences as veggie zombie vampires reminded me of another recent comic…. blah blah blah
next ask her why the vampires are made of ice. that should be interesting… sigh… I’m still confused…