With Cata just around the corner, and lacking a beta key (hint hint blizz), I couldn’t help but wonder how the leveling experience will be with the expansion. Here we have the little Boar, staple of the Wowland lowbie adventure. In just about Every starting zone (with few exceptions) there are Boars to be slaughtered.
In Wow-Classic you have the Mottled Boar (which has a likeness in every start zone except for the Forsaken). In Burning Crusades, what do we find when we enter the Dark Portal? Why a Helboar of course! Then in Wrath Of The Lich King, right off the boat there’s Unliving Swine all about! And in the great Cataclysim what will we find when we enter the depths of Vashj’ir? Mutant Merboars!!! >D
FLASH! NEWS UPDATE! Amanda Miller over at WoW.com put together an amazing gallery compilation of all the Wowland comic artists (including your’s truly)! Go check it out!
If you’re right about the sea-boar I owe Aza five bucks.
Merboar not seaboar!
That’s semantics Aza! If coffin turns out to be a divine blizz prophet with this underwater boar, then you owe Xandie $5! =P
would that not be… “sea-mantics”?
sigh… that was bad…
That was brilliant. I never noticed how we’re just constantly killing boars until now.. Sadly I was in westfall on a new toon… killing boars.
I’m tellin ya, it’s not easy being a boar! constantly being killed for no reason. you think you’re safe in another dimension or forgotten continent, then BAM! hordes of people coming after you!
And worse yet… where’s the epic rarespawn boar? where’s the boar raid boss?! I’d think if they were so sought after, they’d unionize like the murlocks!
Though, I always liked the piggies… the pet my hunter had for the longest time was one of those plagued swine from east plaguelands. his name was Pete… he was a PvPig! >D
We were too late Coffinshaker. They the burning legion was the one to take down Agamaggan. Anyways I think they did unionize because otherwise we’d not have RFK. I’d hate to be the one on a quest to slay that one.. look at the website.
good find!
You know, I haven’t really thought about what we’ll find and now I’m afraid. XD
Well… as long as the boars don’t leave the Vanilla WOW starting zones I’d assume they’ll still be there, but what about the 81+ zones? I’ll laugh if I find a seapiggy. XD
maybe… doesn’t Durotar get a river a lava through it? mmm… I can smell the bacon roasting now… XD
and you know if they had a seapiggy mount I’d be the first to get one!
Oh ho ho! Not if I get one first! >:D
Hopefully soon I’ll get my Guild Beta invite so I can hunt for the seapiggy mount and master it! HAHA! Then I shall be the fastest in live to get one! >:D
That’s a loooot of bacon
if a boar gets killed by a fire mage… can you loot cooked bacon, ham, and pork chops?
I wish! Meat is good for the soul…and rogues need it so if needed, they can play gnomeball or fight for what’s right!…or just beat down someone for gold…I prefer the first.
One cannot simply walk into… Morboar. =D? Too soon?
LOL!!!! nice!
Why thank you, xD lmao.
Let’s put it this way…
I’m glad I don’t have my coffee yet, because it would be dripping from my monitor and all over my keyboard right now!
This was hysterical, and yes…too true!
hehe, ty ty! >D
Hmm fire mage underwater… “The fireballs! The do nothing”!
But yeah, that’s the main issue that I have with Cat coming out: Yeah, 1-58 is great and all, but past that and you’re just back in Outland or Northrend grinding again, which is where you spend most of your leveling.
well… probably when I get whatever new toon up to 58 and am done with doing all the new azeroth quests, I’ll do dungeon leveling… like I did with my prot… it’s crazy but it’s fun! XD
I wonder what does the sea-pig taste like…
mmm… wet bacon? fish? a mix between both + salt?
hmm… good question… maybe a cross between salmon and ham? Hamon?
Hm - I hadn’t thought about it, but you’re right.
Now that you’ve pointed, they’re really going to HAVE to include mer-boars, otherwise… there would be no continuity!
I don’t see any way around it! they must be included!
or maybe they’ll just cheap out and put hogfish in their place.
there’s still time blizz!!! you can add merboars! don’t make me get Mr.T to hack the game!
In the several months I’ve been reading these, this is the best one yet…. And so true! :D
>D thanks!
We need to get beta keys.
yeah… why don’t all the wowebcomic peeps get free keys? well… I guess we’d probably mock it constantly… hmm…
so blizz… if you’re reading this… hint hint!
Hang in there, you never know! And from what I’m told once you have been in beta once you have a better chance of getting in again as long as you do a really good job helping find issues. Soon as I’m in I hope to find every spot I can fall through the world, then find anything else I can break. The one place they actually want you to break the game! A DREAM COME TRUE! 8D *eye sparkle*
lol, yeah… btw, I did end up getting that beta invite… but didn’t notice until it was too late! lol!
Wow, this is really cool, what’s the animal? Pig? Cow? or Fish?
the first three are those pig things we all have to fight. the last… some sort of pig fish? something like that.
I was highly disappointed I didn’t have to fight any of them in Vashj…
HAHAHA! Funny because it’s true!
I can only imagine what kind of boar they’ll be having us kill in the next expansion!!