This one goes out to all you lucky peeps with beta keys! And… to all you out there wishing you had one! Ya know, up until about a week ago I really wanted to get in, but when my buddy (with a key) told us about all the horrible downloads you have to do… yeah… not exactly super fantabulous…
So yes, basically this is your beta… at least from how I hear it. getting to see wicked awesome things first but at a price… your soul and your sanity having to wait a million years for it to download and every thing is all crazy and glitchy… with evil ghost boxes running around… fun times!
still… if blizz happens to have an extra one just laying around… >)
Today’s guest appearance is Hextall, the lovable lock.
How do I vote? I’m currently in the awkward state of I know I’m in (guild won beta essay contest) but it’s not here yet. None of them have gone out yet, although it is quite entertaining reading what the other winners are saying on the forums while they wait. Me myself just finished the evil fish all the dang blasted coins out of the Dal fountain achievements so when I finally do get into beta I can… flip a coin and be coooooooool. *puts on shades and leans against the wall while flipping a coin*
*fumbles coin*
I’m a LazarTurkey, we aren’t known for our grace. >_>
awe, that stinks! they better get on this so you get more than a week to play beta before the live comes out! XP
btw… I hate all the achievements you need for the fishing thing! uhg! think I only have like 3 of them so far.
WOOT! My beta just came! And I’m down to two fishing achieves left, unfortunately it’s the two nasty ones… the Rare fish one and the win the competitions one. >_<
Ah well, maybe someday I'll get lucky with em! XD
One of my guildies have it. He can get it to work on his computer. The prospect makes me die a bit inside.
you get the inside scoop? ask him about holy pallies for me! I’m dying to know!
I don’t have a key - didn’t sign up for one. I didn’t feel “the pull” until I watched a 30 second video of the goblin creation screen… But I’m sure I’ll be fine :)
yeah, the goblins are gonna be great!
Oh good gracious this is so me. I think I actually begged in a blog post, publically, a couple weeks ago. I obsessively log into my blizzard account to check to see if listed under World of Warcraft I see the red logo for Cataclysm. I am not one of the lucky few. I’m not sure why I want so desperately to play a broken and not complete version of one of my favorite games, but I do.
yeah, me either… maybe next beta… >\