And there are! It seems like everything is changing and soon too! Flying mounts in Azeroth, foxes, dogs (and don’t get me started how I think the introduction of dogs is a bad idea), total zone changes… It makes me wonder though, how much of it I’ll miss…
But don’t think too hard about that, cause when you look at the original wowland, though it was a LOT of fun, it had some crazy design flaws! Lets recap! PvP = complete and utter dedication to wow or else you get no loots! The old system was so grind intense that you HAD to keep getting more and more honor or else you’d lose your standing to someone else. And for those who weren’t around then, gear was distributed by rank, so you had to do some MAJOR PvPing or else that top lvl gear would be forever out of reach! The whole elemental spell power drove me crazy! It seemed like one piece of armor could be an upgrade, but alas, if you were not that spec… sry boutcha! And money… gold is so easy to get now! It’s wonderful! Not that there aren’t money sinks, but for simple stuff like respecing, pots, mats, repairs, mounts… it makes such a difference. I remember sitting in Ironforge trying to peddle Deviant Fish and Flasks to buy an epic mount!
And poor pallies! They literally hit like wet noodles (that’s an Arcanite Reaper hes holding… which was a pretty good 2 handed axe). But they were usually kept around for buffing raids and staying out of combat so they could battle rez. Druids… man… they had issues too… you’ve come a long way kitty!
Seems like forever ago now…
It was good times, don’t get me wrong! Epics were, well… EPIC! You worked your butt off for them! Raids were insane! 5mans required coordination, skill, and CC! And when you raided Ironforge or Stormwind, it was an epic battle! Not deserted like it is today… and all you got was glory! No mounts, no achievements… glory! >)
From what I hear, Cata is going to bring a lot of that back in! So I’m looking forward to the next expansion!
Love the 1930s nostalgia feel! Hee hee…Steamboat Coffin.
And I agree - wake the *@#% up already, Deathwing! Sheesh! Me wants flight over Durotar. Do you have any idea how long it actually takes to RUN between The Den and Orgrimmar? Or worse…The Crossroads and Splintertree Post? Even mounted it takes forever to reach Stonetalon Peak from The Crossroads, but flying? Oh, you’re where? Desolace? Okay, I’m in Razor Hill helping some noobs. Be there in about 2 minutes.
I know right? With flying enabled, I don’t think I’ll EVER take a flight path again (unless I’m very lazy)! I always hated how indirect all the paths were and always seemed to take the scenic route whenever I had to get somewhere.
Exactly. I can’t remember how many times I’ve yelled at my wyvern for taking the ‘scenic route’ when I’m in a hurry. They’re freaking lions with wings, you’d think they could go over a few mountains…
I can see the Crossroads -> Sun Rock Reatreat flight happening like this:
Me: “Wait, where are you going? Sun Rock is that way.”
Wyvern: Yeah, I know, but it’s scary over there, and I’m afraid of heights. Let’s go the pretty way.”
Me: “You mean the long way?”
Wyvern: “Ye- Umm… No. Now look at the trees and be quiet.”
lol! and I also hate when they circle around! I can’t remember exactly where they do this, but I remember they take their time, fly around a bit, divebomb the flight master, then continue on their way… it’s like, “really? you had to make a connecting flight? did you refuel or something?”
I still don’t know why we can’t craft anything while in the middle of the flight! not only does it take forever (say, to go from UC to Booty Bay), but you don’t even get an inflight movie! Heck, they could even add a small stack of peanuts to your inventory!
bah! I can’t wait till you can just fly around yourself! XP
No shamans killin` everyone? D=
uhg! I remember them! They were like one of the best pvp classes in the day! One chain lightening could cut through an AV turtle like butter.
Also… remember when shammies could tank? ah… those were the days…
(for those who dont know, shams “could” tank some stuff, particularly the lower lvl 5mans and such. not sure about OT raids, but I bet some have tried.)
Aww…loving the Steamboat Willie look, very clever.
It does bring you back to a simpler time. Same as with those old cartoons. Back when cartoons were silent and filled with racism!
yeah! lol! and they covered it up so nicely too! heck, not only them but old movies as well! I watched a special on PBS a month or so back that showed how badly we portrayed “Arab” people on film. Lots of very very bad propaganda I tell ya!
but yes, it was a simpler time in wowland… even around the BC era, I kinda liked the whole “seal twisting” the ret pallies had to do. when all a hunter needed was agility! LOL! truth be told, when they patched hunters and took away their dependence on agi, that’s when I rerolled on Coffin! I just got frustrated at how much agi gear I had worked on getting… all to become totally useless. ah well, it’s all good… I mean, if that hadn’t happened, I wouldn’t have rerolled and these funnies would be called Salty Bill Comics instead…
I’ve been wondering…Does Coffin EVER talk? and so cute the old time b&w look!
nope! he’s kinda the silent type. >)
ty! >D
Arcanite noodle LMAO. And here I am trying to get Thunderfury for my warrior, just to annoy people and tank current heroics with it :\. Ahhh, I miss good itemization. Azeroth’s plated tanks have a serious lack of crit >.< (and you know how us warriors are with aoe threat :-(… )
whaaaaaaat? warriors aren’t the kings of aoe?! XD
yeah, how some tank gear has more str than the dps versions is beyond me… and I miss gear that was more class/spec specific. I mean, dks/wars/rets all share the same gear (for the most part) so I might have a real nice gloves item but alas… armor pen instead of str or crit… sigh…
you do have to like the Onyxia gear drops with oldschool frost resist… remember that? elemental resistance stacking? I remember trying out a few frost/fire resist gear sets on my hunter for pvp… see, now that’s what I call diy resilience!
xD Ahhh yeah how I miss the old days. Where a holy paladin’s gear had both strength and spell power on it (IE: My 64 paladin’s full 60 epic pvp gear xD) but yeah, armor pen used to serve a great purpose in prot pvp before the 15k shield slam crits were nerfed >.>
Please, chuck those rocks! The new love of my life is a pretty little Goblin Rogue and the sooner Deathwing throws a hissy the sooner she’ll be mine forever! <3
uhg, I hate this part! I have all these plans… a goblin warrior and a troll druid… but… I have to wait…
Fire up the jetskis, Don! We got a dragon to kick!
Cataclysm? The lastest WoW expansion? Or World of Warcraft 2? I just don’t know!! O_O
On the subject of PVP gear, Wrath was a total slap in the face for that, it was all like ‘hot dawg, I got the latest bestest best horde/allie slaying gear there is! What’s that Blizz? You’re releasing a new season? But I just spent months getting to 1800 arena ratin… Ok sir, I’ll be quiet now’
But then you gotta think, which is best, grinding forever for the newest set or grinding forever for just the one set…?
/ramblerantsorry :D
ya know, I understand why they’d make something like wow2… like eq2… but just the idea of scrapping the old world and starting over bugs me >\ so I hope they dont!
I like the work that you have to do to get pvp gear… not so much a daily grind, not so much an afk grind, and not so much a small team “mini raid” group aka arenas… I never got into arenas at all!
what I’d like to see is something like better rewards for world pvp, city raids, and rated bgs… well, at least one of those is gonna happen…
I do like gear that will be epic to get and stays around for a while… not really the gear that gets replaced every few months when the next season rolls around… >/
Ah, level 60, those were the days- how exciting it was to get the one piece of gear in the world that was actually designed for your spec! Need money? Out of quests to do? Have fun grinding for bear pelts!
And I love the old Disney style of the first two rows. Perfectly done!
uhg… the money grind was the worst! but so rewarding because you knew you worked your butt off to make it!
thank you!! >D
Rofl.. And i agree I’m currently collecting rocks to get this damn thing started.
make sure they’re about baseball size… and jaggedy!
Wait…what’s wrong with dogs?
lol… ok, my issue is that for the longest time we have had wolves and worgs as our canine friends… then all of a sudden we have little pugs (which is fine, it’s a vanity pet) and some kind of bulldogish thing? (I stink at breeds, so correct me if I’m wrong on the kind)
It just seems like they’re popping up out of nowhere and breaking the “cannon” of wowland… I guess weirder things have happened… like alien space ship landings and gnomes…
what is it with the current mention of foxes everywhere? Here, WoW…my law classes, ( don’t ask). Has the fox become the new “it” thing? Has it Coffin?! Has it?! I didn’t get the memo! oh why didn’t i get the memo?
……so yeah, I was just trying to say I liked your comic/blog as always.
(Please forgive me, my classes have turned my brain to mush)
turn on the tv… oh no! fox news! XD
so… foxes in law classes?
btw, I was just in Sweetbay (a grocery store) tonight and saw some interesting wine juice boxes… guess that’s what grown ups take with them to lunch… anyways, I forget the exact name, but it had pictures of foxes on it! so it’s true! they’re everywhere!
speaking of which… I wonder if there will be any fox & hound movie references!
and thank you btw! >D