So yeah, I have to say I’m getting pretty excited over the impending doom of Azeroth. Class changes, new spells and whatnot, an almost new world to explore, and of course, new races! But what are we doing now to get prepared? Are you guys grinding gold? Finishing off old quests? Gearing up in the raids to cruise on into lvl 81? Or has the pre-expansion blues set in and just decided to sulk around until things get going again when Cata comes out? I for one think I’ll take a drive in my scooter around all of the old world before the changes set in. Just to take it all in, ya know? So don’t get the pre-xpac blues gang! There’s plenty left to do before the world blows up!
BTW… That’s Baron Revilgaz’s statue on Janeiro’s Point in Booty Bay.
I’ve been hinting about something coming soon… and here’s another… just a tidbit… “something” is gonna happen… on…
IS IT MY BIRTHDAY PRESENT?! (my birthday is the 7th)
all lies! you’re just trying to squeeze out some more presents! XD
As long as it’s not frost presents, blood presents or unholy presents.
Get your flippers off of me, you damned, dirty fish!!!
I’m just glad they’re not messing up The Crossroads. Doing the comic for nearly a year now, I’ve grown rather fond of it just the way it is :-)
wow, yeah! never thought about that but it would be horrible if they dunked it under lava or something! hope they don’t change their minds!
lol, this is the second WoW Planet of the Apes reference I’ve seen today! Is it just a coincidence? Or is something afoot… >_>
Also hmm… 9/6/2010… that’s a Monday… *self destructs*
second?! someone else out there is as insane as me? hmm… /loadsshotgun… brb…
The first one was screenshots of a statue of Liberty half buried somewhere in the beta posted on the beta forums so… you’re crazy like a Blizz dev?
*Calmly places on “the end of the world as we know it’ by R.E.M* Now begin the freaking out! *Screams and cries* WHYYY?! I don’t want to lose all my favorite places!
I know… I’ll be a little nostalgic when it happens… I mean, you’ve been here for how many years and all of a sudden nothing’s the same! But I do have to admit, from what I’ve seen, it looks like they’ve put a lot of attention to detail with the changes, so it’ll be interesting to see all the little things that are different.
eh… at least when we explore after Cata, we’ll be able to fly it instead of walk! XP
Bwahaha! It took me a second to get the joke, but it’s a good one indeed :D
With the whole world changing I can’t shake off the feeling that WoW has never been so de-WoWed as it is going to be in Cata. I mean, I went to Silithus the other day and it was so…. silent- almost no one being there. A sad end to a great battlefield (with its own world-pvp mechanics). Hope history won’t repeat itself elsewhere. However, there there will at least be more people in Org, so it’s not completely sucky
yeah, sadly so many great pvp places go the way of wyomming… you know… barren of any life…
Even in Nagrand and E.Plaguelands are pretty empty.
I am however looking forward to much more people in the old world area! I’m not sure if the whole hub of people will leave Dal (since it’s pretty convenient with shops/AH/bank/portals) but I’d really like it if it did! Which, in turn, would make world pvp skyrocket! If there is an increase in old world city life, then I see the wow-classic epic city raids returning! I remember when walking into Ironforge with less than 2 full raids of 40 was a suicide mission. I’m hoping that will be the case again! >)
Leeeeeeeeeet’s do the time waaaaaaaaaaaarp agaaaaaaaaaaaain! - Apocalyptic destruction ensues - OH GOD, THIS IS WHAT WE GET FOR BREAKING THE FOURTH WALL!
Dangit Kale! Now I’ll have that song stuck in my head for the rest of the day! XD
Akk, me too. xD I can think of muuch worse songs though. No, brain, no suggestions please.
Mostly I just worry about system specs, but if lucky, that won’t be a problem before much longer. I’m seeeriously tired of most of the old world, though it is convenient that I can run fast-levelling quest circuits because I know them so well. Meh. If anything, Cata will get me off the free servers to check out retail again until I… burn out once more. ^_^;;
you should! and go to Garithos! we’ve been lookin for a few good horde! >)
Teehee, this made me giggle at the same time it gave me premature nostalgia for the “old world” to be.
In any case, you distracted me from the mountains of case law I’m reading, and for that, I thank you good sir. Now back to my case law, coffee, and monumental amounts of alcohol (required in order to keep my sanity. Part of the standard “sanity in law school/ med school/ MBA” package really.)
Also…. WHAT’S COMING ON THE 6TH?!?!?! TELLLLLLL MEEEEEEEEE! I promise I won’t tell anyone else….. scouts honor >.> …. yeah that’s right….honor, I have that…. >.>
wow, sounds like you’re doing a lot of studying there! I’ll have to pick your brains sometime on the legal stuff!
Oh… so check out the new blog post! it reveals all! >D
Omg! More comics to distrac- I mean entertain me from my homework! YAY! I officially love you!