Wow, this is an old one I completely forgot about! XD
Anyways, probably nobody remembers this by now, but the pres got the Nobel Prize right off the bat and a lot of people were really really confused by it (some were upset, some were supportive, but I think most people just didn’t really care). Cause you know, he like JUST got into office and all and there was still, uh, war going?
But yeah, this is obviously taken waaaaaaaaaay over to the extreme side for the funny. You know, how weird would it be for say… Garrosh to get a Nobel as soon as he gets into office? Now Varok, I could see him getting one cause he pretty much despises war by now. And the guy who invented the chicken-ray gun… How could he not get one?! >D
I’m sure you can get tons of info on it via the googles… but here’s a link for more info: Read more.
Also! The election poll will be closing soon! So if you haven’t already…
Now, since we are on the subject of war and peace and all the stuff inbetween…

I don’t kill lowbies unless they are a “threat” to my grind (e.g. killing calyph scorpidsting or whatever he may be called )
it’s a vicious cycle I think. you get killed and camped while leveling, you kill and camp lowbies out of spite and revenge when you’re 80, then they do the same to the next generation of lowbies.
as the great philosopher once said, “let us learn how to love and forget how to hate”.
I mean really, 20 lvls down? :D Awww… He’ll probably run away anyway
Da troll approves, mon
Also the power up combo option blows my mind xD
like in STV… it’s just a lowbie killing zone! >(
ha, yeah… I just imagine someone buffing up, eating a feast, drinking a flask, and popping every cooldown to just blow up a lowbie in the most glorious fashion possible. a little overkill maybe, but if you’re gonna do it, might as well do it in style.
I’ll help the guy out if he’s in trouble (happened with a Dwarf in STV earlier), but sometimes it’s fun to mess with them too. Like after the mob’s down, throw Slow or Polymorph on him, then /lick and carry on with what I was doing before.
Don’t see the point in killing them, though. They die, they feel bad, you feel bad, it’s bad :<
This is usually my option, even for people my level. For instance the daily “threat from above”, I see lots of people struggling to solo that, so I usually offer them a little pally muscle.
I like your polymorph torment, lol! I’ll have to try that on my mage sometime. >)
I have this policy that we shouldn’t harm the lower enemies…for all we know they could return our kindness by saving our arses in the future….also you can get more gnomes for gnomeball….heh heh heh
this is true! but I guess gnomes are an exception huh? XD
I’ll either ignore or if I see them struggling with a mob, I’ll help. Although the one time I saw a bot flag himself he was so dead, even though it got me flagged. There’s no challenge in it. I must admit that I did use hammer of justice to steal mining nodes in sholozar ;p
Yeah, back in wowclassic days, my guildies and I would go into STV to hunt down the the botters. You could always tell who they were cause they’d go back and forth between certain points, wait a few min, if there was a mob, they’d fight, if not, run back. Of course they all have such awesome names like Uaerknalksdf.
I remember found a rouge in stealth, so just to have mess a little with him threw fairy fire on him, he saped me and ran. Poor guy when i was out of it i trew it again and that kinda went on for like 20min :P
those darn rogues!!! I hate them in Gadget where they can (or at least they used to) sap you, which they could do as a lowbie, and if you fought back, the guards would kick your butt.