Now this is one of those things I’m really looking forward to! Not only will this help get us oldschoolers out and about to see all the changes, but also expose us all to a lot of lore.
Though, it gets my imagination running wild when I think about what we may find! Armor? Ancient texts with lore? NPC pets? Or just a musty old gold box with a suspicious number of skeletons around it…
I am now officially a company! Woot! Jester Brand is online and ready to rock!
So yeah, come visit the Jester Brand Store for all sorts of fun stuff. Got buttons, magnets, and prints! Here are some of my favs:
That reminds me something… that one time I tried opening a rigged chest and I went kaboom along it! Thank god I am a shaman and they gotta try harder to kill me ;P
sounds like something an engineer could make! lol!
and I really like how shaman get an extra life! saved my butt many a time!
Saves our butts but doesn’t save our precious rivers o’ gold!
yeah, a shame they removed Divine Intervention (least that’s the last I heard) from pallies… that kills you but you get no repair costs. >)
sigh… now ill be poor again… >(
poor coffin…but I’m sure he could just roast those bad boogies
as long you don’t open your eyes… whatever you do… DONT OPEN YOUR EYES!
…that sounds like a roguish trick…
To be fair, he is dead.
gasp! how dare you! he’s living impaired! XD
but it does raise an interesting point… would he be effected by the ark… hmm
not to mention all the undeads… I mean, historically speaking, it takes a shotgun to the face or a chainsaw to kill em. but we hack n slash em all day long in wowland! they drop us some junk to sell, despawn, then we move on. but if they are already dead, why did just tossing out a few fireballs do them in? it’s madness I tell ya! silver bullets kill werewolves, stakes kill vampires, and chainsaws kill the undead! XD
none of all of those weapons kill undead/vampires/werewolves! I DO!
lol you know who the archeology trainers are for Horde and Alliance, right ?
hahaha, yes! it’s awesome! so… when we bring the things we find back to the trainers… are they taken to be inspected by top men?
See.. now why don’t those in “red shirts” ever learn. Stay on the ship!
heh… noticed that did ya? XD
smart, he might be technically a red shirt since he has red armor