This one goes out to all my fellow Pallies. An ode to my bubblehearth, how I will miss thee. It’s very tragic really, we had a great run didn’t we? For those who don’t know, the paladin ability Divine Shield, aka bubble, was shortened from (I don’t even remember, 12 seconds?) to like 8 seconds, making it basically incapable of casting hearth with it…
I really understand why the changes happened… but man, that was such a class defining ability. Now how am I going to abandon my buddies when a fight is going sour? >)
I wasn’t really sure about the changes in all other aspects at first, but I kinda like them now. I guess it makes ret less “wack a mole” like.
So how does everyone like the changes to your class?
I see they didn’t really mess locks up, But if I see my favorite spells killed its Candle’s time to shine.
I haven’t had much time to experiment with my other toons… so I’m wondering how the fire mages and resto shams are. I saw hunters got some really really cool updates though! A shame mine’s only like 70… on another server… and is alliance… XD
My fury warrior’s DPS dropped a bunch (a problem Bliz admitted was unintentional and should be fixed soon, if it hasn’t been already). I like the changes, for the most part. My biggest complaint with the patch was the instability and random DCs, but really for all the stuff they changed and the sheer size of the patch, i think things went smoothly. My lock dps went up quite a bit with minimal changes to my rotation.
So overall, I like the patch, and am looking very much forward to December 7th =)
yikes! yeah, they said rets were getting some fixes to the talent trees (I think) in an upcoming update, so I wouldn’t be surprised if they did both at the same time.
Oh man, the BGs are the WORST right now! don’t even try going in! after about an hour queue, I finally got into WSG, grabbed the flag… insta crash. ok I thought, must be on my end. tried again… insta crash. then someone killed me… insta crash! notice a theme? so I figured out that dying and grabbing flags was a bad idea…
RUN NITH! RUUUN! Their little legs can’t keep up with you if you run
dang dirty Gninjas all running about! (see what I did there?)
I swear, the only race/class that ever griefed me leveling my hordes were gnome rogues… why is that?
What’s a prot pally to do now?! Why Blizz, why?! I’m now convinced the universe just wants to suck all the happiness out of my life.
Oh please, like you had to worry about dying.
I almost died once to a mage… but I used Lay on Hands, silenced him, stunned him twice, and accidentally blew him up when I sneezed. It was a close one!
awe!!! but there’s always booze!
not to put salt in the wounds… but did you know they also took Divine Intervention? you know, the bubble that kills you and saves a buddy? yeah, cause that was OP? sure I used it to save myself from repair bills and, of course, DI random raid members just to see them freak out that they can’t move! mwahahahaha! … /cry
Finally I’ll be able to kill those bubble-hearthing cowards! Now, if only they didn’t heal up full… >.>
what!? nooo! pallies only want to be hugged! why must there be so much hatin?
but yeah, from a non pally mage before… I hated bubble with a passion! I’d actually rather it be something like DI where you cant move or attack but maybe be able to cast hearth and a lowbie heal or so… but nothing that could get you up to full or steamroll someone before it wears off.
Paladins want to be hugged? Not in my server, they used to target you, unleash all their insta-casts, spit on your corpse and camp you. If only they would make bubble like… can’t cast with it and has 50% attack damage then it’d be fair
they sure do! yeah, they might look intimidating swinging around that ol shadow edge or frostmourn, but they’re just a big ol bubble of love!
honestly, I like your idea of bubble. even that would be fair! just as long as I get my hearth. heck, even make it so 50% of the attack dmg going out gets reflected back onto the pally would be fine, in addition to your plan. but it’s like taking away a mage’s fire or a hunter’s pet… it’s a core class mechanic to bubblehearth!
Core class mechanic? In WC3 they didn’t have those goshdarn self heals… (even thought EVERY hero had bubble (in a certain way)) Anyways, they took away our (as in shamans) one-shot one kill mechanic… that was fair, but so did they take the “no damage taken, millions of damage dealt” from pallys ¬¬
As a paladin since the dark days of 1.9, I can somewhat relate to this… though, the last time I recall trying to bubble hearth was at the Ulduar flight path. Some shaman tried to gank me, but earned the ire of the guards. Once they killed him, I bubblehearthed and laughed at him as I vanished to safety when he had to deal with repairs.
Though, I do like this comic, because it’s a blood elf getting his oh-so-pretty face kicked in by Gnomes. Because, as we all know, Gnomes > Blood Elves.
I’ll mostly miss using it in raids when things start going bad. Though it’s fun to watch people keep trying to attack you while you’re casting hearth in the safety of your bubble.
hmm, maybe they could make the hearthstones work off of haste?
idk about that ratio, but I wonder how many people like goblins over gnomes.
I’m a Paladin, small and stout,
Here’s my mace and here’s my mount,
When I see trouble I scream and shout,
Pop my bubble and hearthstone out.
sigh… I’ll miss binding that to my hearthstone macro…
I would have to say I like the changes to the mage class very much. I don’t use addons, not even for my UI setup so I greatly appreciate having more slot space with portals and teleports worked down to a tab-out system. The less junk I have cluttering my screen without relying on addons, the better.
As I am specced into the Fire tree, I also LOVE the new Combustion talent. It has served me well (typically the saving grace of, for example, farming Anzu for the accursed mount) and will only get better as I will finally feel compelled to use something other than Living Bomb and Fireball for levelling come Cataclysm.
Lastly, Time Warp. By goodness, it speaks for itself. When we finally get access to it, the possibilities are…dang it, is it December 7th yet?! XD
yeah, don’t tell anyone… but I don’t use addons either! I stopped after getting my account hacked cause that’s one possible way to lose your password info. do miss bejeweled though…
gotta say I’m with you on the less clutter thing, but I think some of all these “visible buffs” tend to clutter me up even more. I haven’t figured out if I like seeing procs yet or not, but it’s definitely a noticeable difference.
I loved my mage but man, raiding fire before was a pain! basically just keeping scorch up and spamming fireballs! got boring fast! I’m really interested in what changes they made to the class in terms of rotation. I typically like to just pvp with my mage now… though the accursed bg queue times now make me want to shove a pencil into my brain!
lol! it’s coming up quick! I wonder how many people are going to be there for the midnight release… sounds like a poll waiting to happen >)
Well, the Priest got a nice bunch of talents, but they’ll nerf Shadow for sure. Guaranteed paralysis crits on Mindblast - QQ more. Unfortunately it’s impossible to get that AND reflective shield (I left Dispersion out for that! >.< ). However, I'm not sure if making healing more difficult (aka watch-what-you-cast) will not make fewer players eager to do it. Fortunately, tanking is now more attractive
yeah, priests are looking pretty shnazzy now. not sure what I’ll do with my pally, think I’ll stick with ret and someday try out the heals when I’m brave enough.
still have my war, hunter, mage, and shammy to play with. but it looks like hunters got some much needed love! a real shame he’s an alliance… maybe I’ll switch him over… hmm…