Right then… This comic is kind of a two-parter with my intent. See, there’s these Blood Elf guys and they started off all skinny-like in beta, then bulked up a bit when we could play them, and it seems like every time I turn around, they’ve duct taped another tree trunk to their arms. Now that Cata is coming, we have some model upgrades and lo and behold, our city leader Lor’themar is beefier than a Tauren on steroids! See the before and afters-
Lor’themar BEFORE // Lor’themar AFTER
Now, you might not quite understand the second panel unless you’ve played pre-BC, but for some odd reason every blood elf character in the game looked like a shovel with a face painted on it. Heck, even blood elf statues (if I remember correctly, even the ones in Shattrath) had this weird box-head thing going on… That looked oddly like… wait for it… a shovel! Case in point:
Image of the skillet faced elf model…
So this brings me to the core of my rant this week. With every expansion (well, mostly) we get some form of new character to chose, Belfs, space squids, gremlins, and teenwolf. But with every addition, the graphics on those characters look really nice and crisp! Good stuff! Unfortunately the old races need a bit of a touchup. It just seems so strange looking at how detailed the worgen are and yet transform into the human model with a bad case of frostbite on their noses. I like consistancy! Cause it makes my OCD hurt!
Now, one of my BIGGEST complaints is with the rendering of some of the graphics in the game. Like I said, with every expansion, some graphics get better and better and more and more detailed. But then they throw something very wrong in there. For instance, EVERY “vehicle mount” h.u.d. looks so weird. Like if you jump into a warmachine or any of those quests where you ride on a drake or something… anyways, it always looks so pixilated and just doesn’t fit. Maybe it’s me, but on both my computers, one with low res, one with the highest settings, they look the same and weird. One of the other more obvious blunders is in ICC during the Gunship battle. If you are Horde, look at the symbol on the deck of the airship. It’s supposed to look like leather but it’s like they used an image too small and stretched it. That wouldn’t be so bad I guess, but the super high HD ultimate resolution wooden planks on the deck make it stick out like an Orc in Dun’Morogh.
Look at this pic of the ICC Gunship problem.
Don’t get me wrong, I really like WoW. It’s a great game. But little details like that seem so easy to fix, yet never get hotfixed for whatever reason. I understand there are bigger fish to fry, like not having server crashing bugs and finding new and exciting ways to nerf pallies, but all I want for Christmas is a little spit and polish to some of the things that make my OCD scream out like trying to juice lemons on an open wound.
(Oh, and this week’s cameo is Calimus)

He still seem to have both eyes… wasn’t he meant to have lost an eye in a battle?
wow! good eye (pun intended)! you are correct, he was supposed to lose one! wowwiki says it’s probably an oversight (another pun?) on Blizzard’s part. though I’d figure if you can toss out heals like candy and resurrect your every 5 min then a simple eye fix should be relatively easy…
then again, I liked his look in the comic. really now! did he have to go hit the gym and take growth hormones since then? why does it seem that all the races in wow have some sort of major self image problems? the ladies look like they eat more silicone than food and the guys are so pumped they could bench a school bus with their eyelids.
I think you might have bigger problems than old graphics… your chat seems to be in German! I think there’s an addon to fix that…. :P
LOL!!!! XD
maybe he’s like a warhammer 40k orc, he gets bigger the more combat he sees…
lol, maybe. it’s so weird that all the NPCs are at least 10x our size. like that gnome outside the AH in dal. the one that sells stuff for orbs. he’s bigger than my elf!!! it’s just not right!
As I told you before, the old model high/blood elves use the night elf model with a different skin. e.g. The guards in Silvermoon, some spirits in Ghostlands, and most infamous, Sylvanas’ old model.
In an ironic turn of events, Ysera’s elf form, that is supposed to be a night elf (like in Yogg-Saron’s visions)
now uses a blood elf model with night elf ears in her Cataclysm model.
even so, the faces look weird… like the texture was too small for the polygons or something. idk… I always thought their faces were very flat and looked like shovels.
also… why is her new model so weird?! look at her arms! they’re super emaciated!
Other things that make the anal-retentive in me twitch like a christmas tree in the clutches of a house-cat:
Blacksmith forges ON WOODEN PIERS. Yes, they could be there by magic, but why would they bother when there’s this great huge chunk of bedrock 5 feet away?
Mounts that walk sideways on mountains or any slight flaw in the terrain.
Having to retrieve that dude’s arm in Dalaran over and over and over again. Seriously, he should just stay out of the water.
I don’t have OCD, I have CDO. It’s like OCD - but in alphabetical order, the way it’s supposed to be.
ha! really now?! a pier is no place for a forge either!
lol, there’s a place in dal where, if I’m on a mount, I tilt about 90 degrees into an insta faceplant to the ground. I’m sure mages that blink probably teleport into oblivion there.
YES! it reminds me of that comic of the dwarf in the tournament dailys that keeps getting captured.
hahahahahaha!!! awesome!