What’s that old saying? Careful what you wish for? For the longest time, I’ve been crying for healing updates for my paladin. I know many other healers will roll their eyes and say “but why QQ? you have infinite mana and gigantic heals!”, but having 2-3 heals gets monotonous! It reminds me of my days as a fire mage in Kara where I’d hit either Scorch or Fireball… good times… But it all gets boring fast.
My happy little fantasy was that the pallies would get heals like shamens (shamen? shamans? shamalamadingdongs? oh I give up!). Anyways! My shammy was all heals and I loved it! So yeah, I always wanted the pallies to get at least one or two similar spells to make it a little more, you know, fun! >D
But what happens? Craziness that’s what! Granted we got a lot of new toys that I’m looking forward to playing with, but this Holy Radiance thing totally weirds me out! It’s like a shaman’s Healing Stream Totem that can run. Not sure if I’m sold on the idea of it just yet, but time will tell. Still want my Holy Earth Shield though…
Today’s cameo is Jarkai
Now I REALLY want to see Nith made into a totem. It would be so funny…
poor Nith…but it may teach him to be careful what he wishes for
heh, and this time the orc devil didn’t have anything to do with it!
plural of shaman is… DUN DUN DUN… Shamans… BTW you heal with holy and we heal with… dirt and… water?
hmm, perhaps, but shamalamadingdongs is much more fun to say! XD
Here’s the funny thing.
Before Warcraft, I loved paladins in every game I played. It all started with Cecil Harvey in Final Fantasy II for the Super NES, then it went to Diablo II’s paladin, my favorite WC 2 and 3 units were the paladin, and… well, you get the idea.
Then, WoW comes along and now only do I discover that in Vanilla, I’m just a priest in plate, everything that I loved about the paladin was belittled and purposefully created terribly to satisfy certain individuals that somehow got into the WoW design team after throwing hissy fits in Everquest. You’ve no doubt heard these stories, so, I’ll get to the point of this post.
I’m actually willing, with no compulsion from anyone else, dual speccing Ret and Holy for healing raids come cataclysm. And I have HATED holy for the longest time.
Funny how things work out, don’t it?
I do too! That and mages. Fire mages usually. >)
I did holy for a while just to help the guild… well, more like forced, but that’s another matter. And it was absolute torture of the highest degree! either the heals are too fast and too little or big and slow… either way your anxiety level is through the roof trying to keep the tank alive. the only other healer I’ve played with was a shaman, and they were sooo much fun in groups! just earth shield the tank and be on your merry way tossing out aoe heals like candy at a parade. good times…
I can’t help but think of Veruca Salt from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory singing “I want the world” when I see this.