It has occurred to me, in my evil plots to attend the midnight release, that the actual play time for a Monday night may not be as glamorous as I had once thought. Though I’m guessing with the amount of pre-Cata patches, the installation may not be so bad, I’d be willing to bet there’s still a nice 50 bajillion-byte patch file waiting for us.
Never the less, it’s a pretty exciting event; if nothing else but to bask in the gamer comradery… Though I wonder if they’ll make us stay in 2 separate lines, Alliance and Horde, to you know, keep the peace. >)
Today’s cameo is Cuul.
Now, I know I’ve asked this question before about Starcraft, but…
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Thanks for a great webcomic!
Ha, yeah, so I’ve heard… but you know, it just seems kinda special to be in the thick of it, ya know? trading battle stories with your fellow wowians and whatnots while waiting for your turn… least, that’s my vision of it. >)
That’s kind of why I put the poll up. A few people I know will go ahead and download it… but I’m not sure I’m sold on that yet… sure it’s the fastest way to get into serious business, but it seems like you lose something. I kind of like having those old boxes around. Heck, I love my original wow manual… I think they’ve changed like 90% of all the info that’s in there! XD
That and I swear there’s just got to be an evil patch just waiting for us a 12:01am! Then Deathwing pops up on the download screen saying “you didn’t think it’d be that easy, did you?!” >X
awe, thank you! >D
Unfortunatly I had to make a last minute change in plans (and states) and in order to pre-order my Collector’s Edition I had to go to Best Buy, and the only one that had it isn’t doing a midnight release so… >_<
Ah well, I'll get my Collector's at least. I am doing that pre-download thing though so as soon as I have my copy all I have to do is put in the key and play!
Yeah, there’s like no game stores or bestbuys around for miles here… >\
lookin like I’ll be downloading… /cry
Yeah, same here. I have to go a couple towns over… and that’s in TX wasteland middle of the desert towns over so it’s more like… forever. >_<
You can pre-download without buying. WowInsider had a post on how to do it. I have a CE waiting for me at GameStop, but I’m still pre-downloading, so all I’ll have to do is enter my code when I bring the box home. I also have the next 2 days off :)
heh… what excuse did you give to get those 2 days?
Well, I only had to request launch night, as tues and wed are my normal nights off (graves shift), and as my boss plays, I’m sure he knows why I asked for that night, but he didn’t ask ;D
I wish there were midnight releases in Brazil, I’d totally go to one… unless it falls in the exact same date of my FCE exam, which shall be in 12/07 aswell… *cries*
yikes! well good luck on your exam! but at least you’ll have a nice little reward waiting for you when you’re done >D