Saaaaay Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?! A tuesday update? Well, tis the season for secret santas over at and I got my good buddy Aza’s! So this friday’s is a tuesday! Yay for early updates!
Aza runs a comic over at, updated tuesdays, and is a hilarious wowland inspired comic. You should definitely give it a read from the start, but if you’d like to catch up a little quicker, then check out the Latest Story Arc! The characters from left to right are Solstia (in the foreground… and yes… she gets knocked out a lot!), Cyndrei, Detective Innervate Druid O’Thunderbluff, Azarizotza, and Xandaria.
This has soooooo much win in it.
ty ty! >D
I can’t ^ enough!! This is awesome! Thanks so much. I still gotta finish mine!
>D hehe! I’m so glad you liked it! Happy Holidays guys!
OMG, am I the jack-in-a-box? That’s so epic.
Well of course! Who else would be responsible for Sols’s continued state of unconsciousness?
*sigh* I’m just going to preemptively lie down on the floor and paint my eye blue/ black from now on. =P
I couldn’t stop laughing while I looked at the comic! So, so much win!
I LOVED that you gave Innervate his leafy armpits and Kanye West sunglasses! And the jack-in-the-box Zar is quite hysterical! =D
Happy Christmas!
I really couldn’t resist! lol XD
Really, I wouldn’t dream of depriving you of your opportunity. Lol.
D’aww, pity there was no option to go with the Chia Guy’s model ;)
BTW. Thanks for advertising on my site ;P
heh, I just can’t see Innervate with a leaf-fro! XD
and np!
You know, I’m kinda glad you put in the red sunglasses. A while back, I meant to mention that he had those specific sunglasses to facilitate photosynthesis, but I never had the right moment.
I thought they just made him look even more badassed. and for moments of CSIery.
I feel her pain!!! For real!!!
lol, yes! helmets are good!