So, this is a little follow up to the one I did a while back… I’ve tried, I really have, to get into a lot of these F2P “free to play” games, and although some are well done visually and/or mechanically, they all fail terribly in one regard- they’re not free.
And this above all else drives me insane! I’d almost rather purchase the game once or pay for a subscription because I it just feels like if you were to get into any of them, the same way we are into wowcraft, then we’d need to take out a loan and a second mortgage on the house for the same level of play.
Then there’s LOTRO “Lord of the Rings Online”, that started off like wowland, but then went freebie… well… sort of. See, I fell for it, made my little dwarf and after hours of figuring out what the heck the difference between three of the warrior classes that were basically the same, I realized that it was just the 1st level of the game that was free… xpacs not included. So it’s like if you could play warcraft for free but realized it was only wow-classic!
Anyways, I wont get into the little points on the other F2P games that make you buy from the item shops or are covered with banner ads, but would like to just toss out a little survey…
(This week’s cameo is Nicehairdude)

As much as I hate it, I have to admit going totally freebie would ruin the game ;| Still, I admit that those $xyz a month can be a pain in the neck for some people (not me, thank God!)
Umm, yeah, I’m not sure how much you pay for it nowadays, I suspended my acc some time ago ;P (Want… cata…..).
So maybe lowering the fee? Someone from Blizz did say something about that, but I’m too lazy to check all blue posts since 2007…
what? you don’t want mage tables to include mt.dews and cinnabuns? that all tier 11 has to be purchased with real money?
though… I do kinda like the idea of either free or reduced prices for the first 3 xpacs together… cause to catch up to cata it’d be a small fortune! it’s not right i tells ya!
Tell me about it.. I thought about getting WotLK (ups, my secret’s discovered! 0_0 ) via the Christmas sales dropdown, but.. I’ve still got a life ;) Well.. sorta.. Add Cata and it will be another $x spent for a box with a serial number (a fine box that is, but still.. :P )
I didnt even get a box… >( just a 5hr download and install. yaay?
I played Silk Road Online before WoW and the only thing that I spent real money on was a little monkey (that I named RebeccaLynn) that would run around and pick up your loot for you…even cooler (not really!), it would ninja OTHER people’s loot, too… :-)
hmm, haven’t heard about that one. but that monkey sounds awesome! and heck, if it could ninja loot, I’d buy one too! XD