Btw goblins… welcome to the Horde! XD
And YIKES! Can you believe this is comic #51?! Yeah, I totally missed my 50th… but um… it doesn’t have to be an even number right? It can be an arbitrary or belated number… right? RIGHT?! XD
I’m happy to share a new little something I’m doing on the side with you all! I’ve started putting together some tutorials, I have one up now and I plan to make more, though the frequency I’m not sure about yet (still getting ready for tampa and megacon)… But I figured I might be able to share a bit of “wisdom” with you folks.
This first tutorial is a bit on the left brained side of art, the business end. Specifically, it’s the why and how you can get set up as a business as an artist. Ok, I realize now it’s pretty much specific to U.S. artists, but hopefully it helps some peoples out a little.
Remeber about the Rocket belt! That makes aiming the ‘ball’ a little harder.
Congrats on your.. Fift****th strip! It took a while before seeing Coffin smile so mischieviously
yes, this is true. talk about your rocket powered fastball!
>D ty ty also marks the first time I’ve drawn a russian space squid too!
XD This comic made me laugh out loud :D
Guess the factions are even now! ^_^
Btw. great job on drawing the russian space squid :)
I still think that’s the only reason they added goblins… so those squid guys would have something to punt without getting in trouble with the gnomes.
lol, ty ty! I can see why those Out Of World folks use them so much… they’re pretty fun to draw. >)
I took a look at your tutorial site. I noticed you mentioned you may make one on tablet art drawing? When might that one come around? I’ve wrestled with my bamboo pad for a while and simple can’t get used to it. I hope to learn from you if or when you make a tutorial.
>) yeah, that’s in my “to do” queue (heh, rhymed)…
Do you scan your pencil lines in? Cause you’re comics look pretty nice. I used to do that once upon a time, but it just takes so much time for me to work like that… the tablet is much more efficient. I subscribed to the Dean Yeagle method for many years.
anyways… what was I talking about? right, tablets… I’m not sure how frequent I’ll knock em out, but maybe I’ll try that one next. Was there anything specific you wanted to know about using them?
you don’t know goblins then, try to shot a goblin with your arm, you have an arm lost to explosion
they are too insane that they blow themselves first before anyone else
doesn’t help that they drink nitroglycerin like I do cola…
Yeah, that’s exactly what I do, and I’m running into the exact same problem you mentioned- its so incredibly time consuming. I’m trying to find ways to cut down production time. Direct-to-digital is appealing but I’m simply too unskilled with it. I saw one artist at my workplace use a pen-to-screen method with some mac laptop. I’m looking into that too.
…err, I mean cut down production time without reducing quality. I can always draw stick figures in 2 minutes If i want to cut time down, heh…
I’m jus tlooking for any tricks of the trade on them. Like do you sketch out a drawing in pencil and trace over with with the pad pen? Do you watch only the screen and rely only on hand-eye coordination (i.e. do you keep the tablet next to your screen so you can watch your hand as well?) Right now I’m getting over the big hurdle of trying to draw fine details without actually watching what the pen is touching.
not sure about the pen to screen on the mac laptop… I just don’t think it’ll have the drawing resolution a true tablet can give. but I guess it’s worth a look. let me know how he does it if you find out.
Ok, so I have a good idea now of what to do in the tutorial. I’ll explain the process a bit. But basically, it’s just hand/eye coordination (which is really funky at first but you get the hang of it… look at the comic about the warlock portal, that was my first attempt). I do 3 layers, 1 rough sketch, one tighter sketch, and a final line “inking”. It seems like more steps, but it speeds things up a bit.
Pencils just take too long with the cleanup for me. Eventually I’d like to upgrade to a cintiq, where you draw on the screen, but that’s on hold at the moment.
There are some folks who work with pencil sketches then ink or vector with the tablet, but I find doing it all digitally helps you get more practice in. Anyways, thanks for the ideas on getting me started with this one. And vectors make my eyes bleed… so yeah… Keep an eye on my page for updates (though it’ll probably be a week or two before I can get something like that done… we’ll see)
Tailless draenei? That’s new.
darnit! I knew I forgot something! XD
least it’s something new xD