Btw goblins… welcome to the Horde!  XD

And YIKES!  Can you believe this is comic #51?!  Yeah, I totally missed my 50th… but um… it doesn’t have to be an even number right?  It can be an arbitrary or belated number… right?  RIGHT?!  XD


I’m happy to share a new little something I’m doing on the side with you all!  I’ve started putting together some tutorials, I have one up now and I plan to make more, though the frequency I’m not sure about yet (still getting ready for tampa and megacon)…  But I figured I might be able to share a bit of “wisdom” with you folks.

This first tutorial is a bit on the left brained side of art, the business end.  Specifically, it’s the why and how you can get set up as a business as an artist.  Ok, I realize now it’s pretty much specific to U.S. artists, but hopefully it helps some peoples out a little.

So check it out!  Jester Brand Tutorial: The Business Of Art!!

Transcript: English

Goblin: Awe man! That was our last ball too! Now what are we going.. to do...