Patches are so confusing these days… So many ups and downs, cheering for your team, booing for the opposing (rouges). But in light of the impending 4.0.6, it seems like a good mix of good and bad. Anyways, don’t ask why, but on a long drive the other day, this song popped into my head.
Um… Today’s cameo is uh… Katyperry I guess? lol! XD
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I was mildly dissapointed she wasn’t wearing the cupcake bra like in that music video of hers, just for the lulz.
lol, that was a hilarious video!
Hahah, after seeing Katy on Sesame Street I think you’ve seen everything :D But that song pretty much summarises the whole patch-juggling, players’ve been treated with lately (And these revamps.. need to appreciate the cooldown on PW Barrier even more now xP )
yeah I hear hunters are having mixed feelings about this one. though I didn’t see any ret nerfs yet… they’re coming though… I feels it in my bones!
did you see her thing on SNL?
You mean the one sponsored by numbah 38 and letter double D? Seen enough to say ‘more Katy, less E(l)mo - win win’
Yep…Katys’ most definitely a human. D-cup, brainless bimbo as far as the emotes go, all you’d need to fully round it out would be to toss in some neocon programming and add a heaping helping of homophobia…oh, wait, that’s [2. Trade] isn’t it?
awe, come now, you can’t say the female dance isn’t endearing. XD
even when I was alliance, I couldn’t bring myself to be a human male… their noses… what happened to their noses?!?! like they got frost bite or something.
Saphiron, definitely. This or another brilliant gnomish ice-cube maker 5000 accident in the Everlook Wildlife Safari Park (those frikken gnomes!)