For some reason, when I first saw a picture of Therazane The Stonemother, my first thought was, “she’s a perfect match for the Thing!” Maybe it’s cause they both have blue eyes… hmm…
First, 3rd in a row, and this burned my eyes…
One comment i forgot. Is this the Long Lost Daddy of Princess Theradras?
hmm… maybe so! XD
Too bad they belong to seperate worlds…
yeah… but there’s enough alternate realities and dimensions in both wow and marvel, so maybe one of them criscrosses?
Well, wouldn’t a 4-armed Princess Theradras, whom Sk1nna4h already mentioned, be a better partner than an eon old tyre-necklace-wearing… fossil?
but the Thingy likes dainty feet…
Hey, even rock people need love.
indeed they do! >)
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First, 3rd in a row, and this burned my eyes…
One comment i forgot. Is this the Long Lost Daddy of Princess Theradras?
hmm… maybe so! XD
Too bad they belong to seperate worlds…
yeah… but there’s enough alternate realities and dimensions in both wow and marvel, so maybe one of them criscrosses?
Well, wouldn’t a 4-armed Princess Theradras, whom Sk1nna4h already mentioned, be a better partner than an eon old tyre-necklace-wearing… fossil?
but the Thingy likes dainty feet…
Hey, even rock people need love.
indeed they do! >)