Swimming around Vashj’ir all by my lonesome gives a man time to ponder… of course, my brain usually goes to some strange places… like how my dwarf hunter would rule the world with his trusty Whale Shark pet. But I guess it’s just not in the cards for him…
Would be interesting though if you could only summon aquatic pets like the crocs and crabs there or tame and summon fishies that could only be used there.
I’m sure everybody knows by now anyways, but that’s a Magikarp pokemans laying there. Wonder if Splash is super effective vs druid bears.
No, but horn attack is super effective against fragile fish.
It’ll evolve someday! Hang in there!
evolve into Magisushi maybe! >D
Yes!!! I think that would be amazing!!!
heck, I might just have to level a hunter just cause you can tame a seagull pet! comeon! SEAGULL!! I’ll name him Steven… Steven Seagull
The Drood’s so adorable!
It’d be a good idea if Hunters could summon these fishies while in Vashj’ir or Thousand Ne.. Islands
hehehe, and I know you like his mug o beer n bread…
I always thought Beer WAS Bread.
It just had a lot more water in it.
I dread bread in beer but beer in bread is nothing to dread.
Its almost like the debate about US and Canadian beer …..
beer’s like fizzy alcoholic bread… more or less… so… same thing? Heh, I once had this bread mix that you add a beer to, to make… don’t think it tasted very good though… probably used Milwaukee’s best or something equally as horrid.
I kinda like Canada beer actually. Though I’m very disappointed that it’s not maple or bacon flavored… lol! But if you want to try something that is, try Gosser… its got this… after taste… baconny… yum?
Magikarp use splash attack! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xWVtrfa4kAA&
what do you mean you don’t have hyperbeam?!
lol, funniest thing ever!!!!
Noez! I lawst ma Firsting Streak :(.
Are you the kid I ran into in Tampa, Florida in 1997. I an an all-you-can-eat-buffet, I was on a family trip to Florida where a waitress identified me from being from New York from my accent. I bumped into someone picking up mashed potatoes and they said “Are you playing Pokemon?!” and I ran away…
lol, don’t think so. but apparently that stuff is popular here. at our MOSI, they had Yugi Oh (sp?!?!?!), Pokemans, and Magic card competitions weekly I think.
That makes a whole bunch of sense now.
*In an
Up there by the way….I rarely submit my responses to MSWORD for checkup….
You know, you’ve got to be less funny. I was trying to regulate my laughing and I couldn’t….and I’m in constitutional law! It’s all your fault if I get in trouble for er… not paying attention….. In my defense, the commerce clause is boring crap.
The druid won’t know what hit him. Magikarp is le powerful pokemon! Ya, that’s my story and I’m sticking to it!
“Madam, do you care to explain what is so funny about the Canada Act of 82?!”
“heh… splash”
should I be expecting angry letters from your professors soon? >)
Yes, yes you should. Although to be fair, when someone’s internet started making sounds, the professor stopped and looked at this girl with this like amused expression and says, “Is….is that….is that your computer?” The girl turned bright red and shyly said no. The professor then proceeded to announce that he had no problem with us being on the internet during lecture…. in fact we should feel free to play WoW…”or whatever you guys play nowadays.”
So maybe you’re safe…for now. Don’t make me laugh in another class though, or the scary law professor will come and get you. True Story…