Cause you win here and you win there. Sigh… so I had to do this comic in light of the recent events. If you haven’t been following the teen drama that is the live of celebrates, Charlie Sheen decided to have a little mental break and had some very, um, interesting things to say. Needless to say his outbursts got him fired from his own show.
I cant seem to find the video now, but he mentions that he’s a Warlock, is tiger blooded, has Adonis DNA, and has fire breathing fists.
Oh, and this week’s cameo is Mourgana.
And this week, I got to thinking about conventions and comics and their sources… and I have a theory, so lets see what the peoples have to say!
Ugh, as amusing as it is to watch his life go down the tubes I am getting sick of hearing about it. We get it, he’s a complete dolt and you, the media, don’t need to tell us about it anymore.
I can turn the tv off or mute it, but that doesn’t work on two of my family members who go out of their way to keep me informed, despite my protests.
To the poll, not because they are free but they are more accessible.
yeah, I’m so disconnected from celebrity gossip I only heard about it a few days ago. but seriously, when I heard the youtube thing of that interview, I just had to put this into comic form… I mean, his fists are breathing fire!
but yeah, I’m pretty sure this is just fameinosis setting in… aka, “I have too much money, I’m bored, and want attention”
I said free webcomics lol. But I do have to say I did buy something special once. I found a special deal ages ago on Amazon for like… 75% off the Complete Calvin and Hobbs. Is there any possible way to resist that? XD So now I own the full three volume boxed set (weighing close to 50 tons I’m sure) of every single Calvin and Hobbs ever printed. It’s my bookly treasure.
THIS is what it looks like BTW to give you an idea lol.
man, I loved Calvin and Hobbs growing up! only had one volume though, and probably nothing as complete as that you have there (totally jealous btw), but I remember reading that thing cover to cover!
and just for reference to my craziness, I also grew up on lots of garfield and farside comics! I had TONS of those gary larson books!
but now, I mostly read a lot of webcomics… and I mean a LOT! And like Nivella said, they’re just more accessible I think. I should probably update my links list, or better yet, make a links page, cause I easily have 3 dozen in my favs folder. XD