Hmm… I did an “origin of the species” with the gnomes and goblins, maybe I should do all the races. Heh. Anyways, here’s the true origin of your favorite russian goat squids from outer space!
Hmm… I did an “origin of the species” with the gnomes and goblins, maybe I should do all the races. Heh. Anyways, here’s the true origin of your favorite russian goat squids from outer space!
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First! I have regained my title! Hurray!
lol! congrats!
I always knew Work was up to no good
uhg… wordpress ate my comment! um, anyways, yeah, he’s totally a ladies’ man! If you get the chance, look up Voltaire Star Trek on youtube. got some really funny stuff!
Aw shucks, the Tauren’s so.. soo… desperate :D
err.. that was my sad attempt at making a goat lady… see, um… square eye pupils! XD
Bah, foiled! And I was wondering what’s wrong with her eyes. Too many drinks perhaps? Neaah!
And oh my.. is she drinking milk? Or is that something even more disturbing? :O
hahaha! close! a… wait for it… waaaaait for it… a “white russian”! ha! get it… cause they’re all like russian and stuff… sigh… yeah, I know, it was lame.
Actually, I find it pretty good, wonder what’s in the other drink though, maybe Naaru Light Shot? (That or caviar, you decide :P )
ah Naaaaaaru… the other other… other? white meat!
This reminds me of Leslie Fish’s song, “Misconception”….
hmm, can’t seem to find that song, but I just listened to some on her site and she’s pretty fun. >)
if you have a link to a youtube or something of misconception, give it a post! I’m not having any luck. >(
I get the goat and the squid, but I think the Klingon puts this matchmaking situation at officially weird…unless he’s not introducing them he’s…
oh my…
ah… there it is… XD
It was great meeting you today at MegaCon! Rock on, sir! :D
>D same here man! you’ve got quite the impressive archive on your comic… it’s gonna eat up my nights! ha! but liking it thus far!
Just read everything tonight, I’m so glad to have met you at Megacon. More fix needed *twitch*