Got the idea for this from our very own Sk1nn4h! Poor Tauren… but I guess you gotta make gold somehow, eh?
Oh, and this week’s cameo is Maxilor.
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Got the idea for this from our very own Sk1nn4h! Poor Tauren… but I guess you gotta make gold somehow, eh?
Oh, and this week’s cameo is Maxilor.
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I have them, but not because I want them. I have a family member who buys them for me. I like them, extra stuff for the related achieves, but I prefer others.
For instance my Mage is frost and travels with who I affectionately call Fizzy and “Frosty.” Not the WotLK whelp, but the frigid frostling from last midsummer.
lol! your family gets you wow stuff as presents! that’s kinda cute! >D
hmm… come to think of it, those loot cards probably make a good stocking stuffer! come on blizz marketing dept! you should advertise it like that!
Life could be worse, I guess.
yeah, professional yard gnomes can’t be a fun career…
Aw, poor tauren. I’m sure his troll buddies will come cheer him up, as soon as they’re on break from their bridge-guarding day jobs.
don’t forget their second jobs too! working at 4chan has to take it’s toll eventually…