Poor poor Worgens… but after all the damage to mail boxes, lamp posts, and shoes, they had to know it was coming. >)
And yes… those are Ally versions of Sindy and Nith… mwahahahaha! XD

Poor poor Worgens… but after all the damage to mail boxes, lamp posts, and shoes, they had to know it was coming. >)
And yes… those are Ally versions of Sindy and Nith… mwahahahaha! XD
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Thank goodness. Stormwind stunk pretty bad before, but it’s only gotten worse before those flea-bags… I mean allies started hanging around. Unfortunately this won’t solve the Druid issue.
I chose mine for looks and lore. The story of the Draenei is pretty cool and that was a pretty big factor. Also the idea of a fireball shooting alien sounded pretty epic.
The racial is pretty cool, especially now that heals 20% instead of a formula (this makes it work really well with a warriors last stand btw; macro them together for a pretty potent save my butt cd). Also can’t argue with 1% bonus hit.
Wow, random memory of its early iteration where spell casters could increase the spell hit of group members, but it didn’t affect the caster in question, and it had a castery name and round staff knob icon. The physical damage dealers had a similar, except it was called the same as today’s version and had the maiev style helm icon.
There’s your spacegoat history lesson of the day, I guess.
heh, truth be told, I made a draenei just so I could name him Squidbilly! lol!
Da trolls! Da trolls, mon! Da powah of da Voo-Doo an’ some spellin’ contest action! Lore FTW
Also, it seems Worgen had it coming.. (still can’t believe Alliance got them, bah!)
someday, my friend, we will get the opposite of worgens for the horde! catgirls!
Class first, then by mount. No, seriously, I *adore* the orc wolves and night elf big cats, but if the class I want doesn’t come in either of those flavors, then I do a combination of class/race I haven’t tried already *cough*cough*19 alts*cough*cough*.
I did a little of that at first… until they made it easier to buy cross faction mounts. and some mounts are just epic! like the ram and troll dino thingy.
Yup, Trolls mon, da great powa’ is in da Voo-doo.
who do that voo doo that you do so well?
So now both sides in the Forsaken/Gilneas conflict have the problem of… perpetuating…
and who says zombies can’t breed? lol… but seriously, if I remember correctly from some early forsaken quests, they’re already working on that particular problem… mwahahahahahha!!!
We only ssseek the peaceful digessstion of your liversss, living thingsss, yesss…
*This webcomic has rapidly risen to be in my top 5 favourites*
see! not so evil… I mean, they don’t really need a liver right? that’s why they have 2! hmm, or is that kidneys… ah well, take those too! >)