That’s right folks! Your beloved Human race from wowlands are Vrykul baby rejects! LOL! Actually, I kinda found that to be an interesting lore tidbit. I mean, it gives them ties to the Titans and a little bit of Ogre in there too. Now, before I get flooded with angry emails, I used the Frost Vrykul for visual purposes, since regular ones just look like very tall Humans… much like important NPCs… but that’s another argument for another day.
My ol buddy over at Torment Of The Week needed a hand and asked me to send in a guest funny. So, you should all go over and check out the comic I did for him! If you haven’t been reading his stuff, you should! The comic I did for him falls into his canon so you should go through his archives to catch up!
I espally like the acuracy to this origin to the lore in the real world of warcraft
And normAl vykul do look like tall humans minus the flat face and slouch
I like wowland lore, it’s pretty rich and very integrated into the game. I’ve tried others like Forsaken Worlds and the like, but they’re much harder to feel a part of something. I think blizz did a great job of pulling you into the history.
don’t they? darn, I should’ve had the setting in the frozen north to explain their frost bitten noses! lol! ah well. but really, nothing bugs me more than the super sized NPCs! there’s just something wrong about a gnome that’s twice the size of my blood elf…
Can’t wait for da trolls, mon!
had an idea of the “troll” line… which coincidently joins up with nelfs and belfs… not sure if I want to do them separate yet, but I have a real good one with them all together. XD
Well, the family is lucky at least. Mama’s been spared 9 monthes of being pregnant, and the husband’s been spared dealing with a pregnant wife. Sounds like a sweet deal.
and the gallons of chocolate pickle icecream!
I guess that’s not so bad…
well… except for the ones that didn’t make it through the windows…