Looky this! A non-wowland comic! Been putting this one off for, well, since DA2 launched. So it’s nice to have it done.
So here’s the thing with Dragon Age 2… it bugs the heck out of me! And to be frank, I didn’t make it very far… half way through act2 maybe? idk… I’m still stuck in this stupid city, going to the same dungeon over and over (even though they have different names… they’re all the same layout), and despite my character looking like me with a dashing accent, I just find it hard to get into it. DAO was pretty awesome… but again I lost interest fairly early on.
But this is what gets me, I mainly dropped out cause I got a bit along and decided to make a new guy but in a different class. I’m sure you can all guess what I started as… So yeah, new class, and I thought “hey, I’ve been playing it all nice until now, how bout I be the jerk and pick all the negative dialog options! it’ll feel like a new game!”… and as far as I can tell, NOTHING CHANGES! In DAO, it seemed like if you looked at a flower the wrong way at the wrong time, chaos theory would gimp your uber sword of destruction into sockem bopper gauntlets. As far as I can see, there’s some variations on what others respond to your choice, but for the most part, the game carries on as usual. It’s like having the choice to either put someone’s dog into a catapult or giving him a bone and 10min later the owner has brunch with you either way… and doesn’t seem to remember he had a dog.
Now, I’m sure there are other things along the way, like “help character A or put his dog in a catapult” has lasting effects on the ending… should I ever get to that point… but in the short run, it seems like none of your dialogue choices mean much of anything. And that’s a real shame. A game such as this (read - very dialog driven) should offer more of a feedback to your choices in speech, but I guess reskinning the same dungeon map over and over doesn’t leave the development team a whole lot of time for other things… oh wait…
Ok… before I get any hate mail, I didn’t say I didn’t like the game. Just this aspect. I enjoy the combat style (especially now that there’s a difference between warriors and rogues. you DAO ppls know what I mean) and interactive cinematic feeling of it, but I feel this part of the game really falls short, especially in the way of replay value. At least in DAO, you could choose a different race and some characters spoke to you a bit differently (if I’m remembering that correctly anyways).
Lastly… for those of you who have nooooo idea what’s going on in this… in the second panel, he’s making the TROLLING FACE and she’s making the RAGE FACE… rage guy? something like that. Usually with posting the image of the face on forums, it’s followed by people saying “problem” or “u mad” or things like that. They’re like those weird interweb meme things.

They way you described it, it sounds like a choose your own adventure novel, but with one ending or result regardless.
Yes, I have a problem!
pretty much! I KNOW there are alternate endings, but I think that has more to do with your actions and reputations than with casual dialog. it just seems weird, ya know, I choose the option to be a total jerk the 2nd time around and everything stayed the same.
also… don’t choose a mage! sure the class is amazing to play! lots of fun really! but… if you choose mage, your sis dies and you get stuck with your brother… who’s a whiny little… um… yeah. the rogue or warrior get his sister who’s not as annoying. lol!
yeah i REALLY HATED WITH ALL MY INMOTAL SOUL that either your brother or sister had to die. i wanted to keep all of my companions alive ( or at least that, if one had to die, they did in the most heroic way imaginable).
DA2 would have been great if it wasn’t a Dragon Age game and made by the same studio as Mass Effect.
My biggest problem with DA2 was that the plot was just… crap. It was like the writers couldn’t figure out which story to tell: the mage vs church smackdown, the Qunari ‘invasion’/immigration, or the thing with the Idol. Then just before the finale the story completely fails to gain the momentum needed to actually make a climax build naturally and the game is forced to rely on a cartoonishly over-the-top Deus Ex Machina.
As you said, your input doesn’t really seem to affect anything in the story, and I’m finding it hard to see what choices I’ve made are going to carry over to the next DA game (aside from the single big-but-not-really choice at the finale which seemed just as forced as the finale itself).
Compare that to Mass Effect where apparently throw away decisions were coming back on you by the sequel and even slow-burning for the third game. Where I am worrying that my endorsement of every single shop in Mass Effect 2 might come back to bite me in the arse. You see that DA3 better see some improvement.
wow, you made it through to the end? you’re a trooper!
I’m not sure which it was now, Chrono Cross? Chrono Trigger? something like that, but if you broke a vase or took something out of a box in some guy’s home, you get into trouble later. after that, of course, I was conditioned to never steal items from homes… in any game! lol!
Or ok, Fallout 3. If you say the wrong thing while doing a quest, you could get total junk for rewards, or get the best. Or it could alter how the game’s played. I think I only found one quest towards the beginning that was remotely like that.
I’m sure a lot of work went into the game, so I don’t blame the developers, but I just get this huge feeling the whole thing was rushed (cough, publishers!), like it was being pushed to come out too early.
Who knows, maybe DA3 will be better… or all those dialog choices will come back to haunt me in the next game. darn you smarmy comment choice! you’re gonna get me killed! XD
yeah i would have preferred to fight the sixth blight rater than doing all that messy chain of events. more darkspawn types please!!!!
i havent played dragon age 2 yet but i played the demo and read all mayor spoilers ( probably shouldnt have but they are soooooooo tempting).
i think the gameplay is awesome but the graphics and choice sensitivity should have stayed the same ( but everithing else is great). and yeah, the poor developers where rushed both in origins DLCs and in dragon age 2.
“sobs” why anders? why did you do it?
and oh, fallout 3, i never ever, ever, knew betrayal until the moment i convinced Tempenny Tower´s residents to allow the ghouls in. i dont think there is a perfect happy ending solution for that quest.