So, the theory is that the Trolls were the origin of all these guys. Not Darkspear, the other ones, Zanzibar or whatever. At some point they all broke off and somehow ended up where they are now. Seems to make sense when you look at them, though.
Hmm, we got trolls, elfs, gnomes, goblins, tauren, draenei, and humans down… what next? >)
Zandalar, the ones we are waging war against at the moment.
The point you’re thinking of in that theory is this: trolls have the oldest history (the dwarves, gnomes, and tol’vir were still stony servants of the titans likely), dating back when it was one super-continent. The titans made the original Well of Eternity; so probably some band of nomadic trolls went north and found it. Magic probably happened.
These new creatures became very advanced in magic, started to worship the moon and create their own beliefs and eventually made the pact with dragonflights for Nordrassil and their immortality and the rest from this point is concrete knowledge.
A further affirmation is in those spirits players learn about in Hyjal (malorne, goldrinn, aviana, asienna, torta) or however their exact names are; could have been the original Loa for that group of adventurous trolls. Trolls tend to worship spirits of local creatures, so they could have lived there for quite a while before stumbling on the well.
Those entities are real, but the trollish Loa are pretty real too, if somewhat less coporeal.
Also, silly blood elf, you are the mana junkie of the world.
Withdrawal much?
Oh right, I forgot something.
DISCLAIMER: This is a popular player theory, and not confirmed as truth.
Just a large tinfoil hat that many share. Kinda like an umbrella.
very nice rundown Niv! I do kinda like the origin stories in the lore… like how gnomes were little robots and dwarves were, well, golems.
heh, yeah… I love belfs, but they got some issues. hope you enjoyed his extra ironic “T” shirt, cause it caused me much pain to draw. XD
it’s not just player theory
oh! thanks Suo for the link! I totally forgot to include the wowwiki links in this week’s post. >\
I read through that, it simply affirms that nobody truly knows their origins and how frequently debated it is. All that we know is that they weren’t always elven, and that they were nocturnal. How involved any trolls were is the question. My thing about the Loa is strictly tinfoil matieral that has no current, if ever, lore support.
Clearly we need to pester the bronze dragons to tell us.
The anser! Dwarf, wogen and undead
And i LOVE the troll reggie hair
Say this sence reminds me if something from oxhorn…..
oh wow, I didn’t do dwarves yet? how’d I miss that one?
hehe, tank ya mon!
hmm… ya know, I don’t think I’ve seen any oxhorn! >( gonna have to check him out now!! >D
Also the orcs.
You might like him, his humor seems to break down into like/ don’t like.
Kyle is thinking of the rude/crude trolls and possibly Thunk.
hmm… 2 votes for orcs eh? maybe so… maybe so… >)
The oxhorn vidio it reminds me from is “thunk leaves home”
and i fogot to mention orcs! For another oragin
Lol i did not see nivellas post till after i posted my last one!
lol you have too many alts Mr. Druds… do we need an intervention?
No my real name is kyle my charter in wow name is druds and i inly have a bank alt and 3 other ones
All under level 60 becase i am sick o outland only one is above level 30
Hey i thought of a new post name !
U would not be on the garathos server would u?
yeah, uh… outlands is kinda horrible. well, ok, I liked Nagrand or whatever, but the rest gets boring after a while. but you can skip over all of it by just doing instance runs.
lol, another alt huh? XD
that I would… though I’m not on as much as I’d like to be. you’d find me either on Hedwig or Bigbad these days… maybe bigbad cause I think I want to be a bg healer at 85… idk…
No all my charters are on the shu”halo server i just found u on the wow amory
but i mat add that my maib (druds) is level 84 and is curnly in twilight highlands plus i only been playin for 7 months!
Well no i dont have any new alts i just a new forum name
my main a “druds level 84 feral/resto druid- guild: demons of wow
in case u were wondering
lol, you’re better at managing them than me! can’t seem to decide what to do! ack!
2 things
1. After u ding 85 i gonna celabrate then roll a mage!
2. I was reading your wow real life iphone comic when i thought……
U really a markter?
I have also noticed that You have the only webcomic that….
A. Updates twice
B. Responds to comments
and C. Gives comments to other webcomics
1 - heck yeah! Me too!
2 - YUP! Got my masters in marketing and management. >)
A - 3 times if you count What’s Shakin’!! my drawing hand cries…
B - Yeah, that’s part of my philosophy, ya know. I really like staying connected to all my readers, so I do my best to keep up with the replies.
C - Hehe, yeah, I kinda like to think that we’re like one big happy family of artists. So when I see something I like I’ll give em a holler. >D
Wait i thought it was just this one and whats skaken what is thr third?
Monday- What’s Shakin’
Wednesday- Coffin Mini (and a poll, go to the main page and scroll down to, at time of post, Nith on a pony)
Friday- Coffin Comics (what we’re posting on)
On a side note, Kyle, Druds, Druidy thing, your chattiness has significantly reduced the guilt I felt about my double post up top because I forgot the disclaimer. Thanks.
Hmmm, how ironic that as soon as I hit send I Immeadiatly thought of more. (I really need to slow down and consolidate).
Protip: it’s easier to track conversations and what you are responding to so others can understand context and further contribute if you hit the reply button (far right of the date stamp if you glossed over and missed it).
Let’s see, if you like wow comics that update multiple times regular:
NPC Comic is mwf
The Daily blink is mwf
Lorgrokni’s Travels is th-sun
Ctrl+alt+delete is mwf and general gaming and gamers
Looking for Group is mth Guilded Age is mwf and are general fantasy. Both have been around for a while and have a TON of material to read through if you have a week to kill (LFG is at page 460ish and GA is in book ten right now.
If you like commentary from the authors, GA are pretty active (comments in the 100-150 range after a couple days, and many puns.
My head hurts, I’m not going to attempt getting links, I usually post from my smart phone. You know how to use google.
Peace till 9-11pm tonight.
>) think Niv did a pretty good job covering it!
But yeah, dont forget to check out the ones that are only once a week too! the list on the right side is a pretty good one… and if you haven’t already, check out the Sunday Morning Funnies. It’s a list of all the weekly updates for wowesque comics (updated sundays).
oh, and NerfNow is videogames too and I think is multiple times a week… just can’t remember when. lol!
Just a note; the official lore is that ‘humanoid creatures’ came close to what would be known as the Well of Eternity, not this ‘Night Elves evolved from Trolls’ nonsense people are trying to pass off as fact.
It was purposefully left ambiguous so we can argue about it. :p
yeah… I kinda had to take some liberties with my interpretations. but that’s ok, because my comics put an end to the debate! that’s right! if you read it here it’s 100% true! I mean… my comic’s on the interwebs, so it must be fact… right? lol
anyways, it’s all for fun.