Ok, this keeps happening to me! First in Vashj’ir then Mt.Hyjal. I’d be questin questin questin… then I get to just 1 quest left and then nothing. No hints, no ! marks, no casual conversation about where to go next… nothing. I’d be stuck with no clue where I was supposed to go! I hadn’t finished all the quests according to the achievements, so they’re there somewhere!
This is one of my bigger pet peeves in Cata. They did such a good job in WOTLK with quests and how they flow from one area to another, but so far I’ve been disappointed with the Cata flow. There should be no reason you’d get stuck with no idea where to go after.
Well, who knows… maybe I’m the only one. XO
Anyways, hope yall have a great holiday weekend! >D
PS! Coffin and the gang had a cool cameo over on The Black Dragon Chronicles! Check it out! See if you can spot the other wowwebcomic peeps too!
I think in Hyjal you’re just not watching as closely. Usually you pick up a quest before Aviana’s chain that tells you where. In Vash’jir you’re not killing or exploring enough. A bunch start from random kills, items, and people already in the area you were sent to do something. Minimap can help in that way.
I thought I picked everything up… and looking on wowhead for the pic of this lady, I found a lot of other people had the same issues too. In Vash… I have no idea… I swam around the whole thing and couldn’t see any !s on my map. ah well…
Try Goldrinn or Aessieana’s shrine if you haven’t yet. I think you stumble on Torta, who is by Malorne’s.
There are the starter items too. Where are you stuck? I never had an issue progressing, just had to research a few for the loremaster for it.
I figured it out from wowhead.. it was at the shrine. just have to go back to the start area. but itd be nice if they had told me…
as for vash… no idea what happened there.
I ran into this exact same issue the first 2 times (altoholic) I went through the Hyjal quest line. I missed the NPC: Keeper Taldros; a Cenarian male nymph, he offers the quest “The bears up there”. This quest leads you down to Hamuul Runetotem and the last of the Ancients, Torta.
Hyjal is not as linear as Vashj’ir, but imo a bit shorter in total time to complete. Also Hyjal has a great deal more back story imo. Also its nicely close to Org… just sayin’
yeah, I like mt.hyjal much better than vash. it’s also nice to be able to fly too.
Questhubber from Curse.com, best addon ever for this issue.
I used to use something before “quest helper” I think it was? but got rid of my addons after I was hacked. been using wowhead mostly.
I have to second the suggestion for QuestHubber. It really helps. :)
hmm, sounds like a cool addon. may need to try it. but my main issue still remains… you “shouldn’t” be in a situation where the quests just stop. that should have been thoroughly tested and tweeked.
I had trouble with this because I did Goldrinn first and Aviana once I ran out of quests chaining from there… based on the zone map, I think Blizzard should send players to Aviana first and Goldrinn/the rest of the zone from there, instead of having quests leading to both shrines in Nordrassil. Hopefully they’ll address this in 4.2 when the give the zone an endgame segment.
or at least a guy to walk up to ya and point. >)
I hate Uldum for that, you finish up the cat people chain then you have the Harrison Jones chains, but there are a couple spots in the chain where it stops and no one is like “hey Harrison was looking for you, he said he was heading to the *wherever*”. I have to search all over the place because I usually do the first chain at the tomb of Kharmut well doing the Neferset chain.
what would be nice is the main map, when blown up, had the option to show available quests on the map.
For Hyjal, Ysera spawns at every hub you complete and talks about the other ancients whose help you need, but only if you complete the chain there, notice her, click her, read her options and know what she’s talking about. Very vague. Annoyed me too, but I’m soo curious not to find out where to go.
For Vashj’ir what I think happened is that in The Shimmering Expanse you didn’t find the fragment of the spear of the battlemaiden at the southern gardens of that former elven city. It starts the whole battlemaiden chain and everything further on in the entire zone.
It’s the only thing I can think of can get you stuck, because that nearly got me. I ran out of quests on an alt but knew from experience that fragment was there.
Unless you were silly enough not to loot the naga named you kill for a tauren just after entering Shimmering Expanse, which leads to the Nespirah area.
Maybe with a little idea if what you did last I’ll be able to tell you where to head next.
heh, yeah, started to notice that a bit… XD
Vashj… yeah… still don’t know about that place… but yes, I’m silly enough to do that.
For now I’m back on track in Mt.Hyjal! Thank you Wowhead!
but you know, many games have this problem. heck, I’m still stuck in Chrono Trigger (yeah, I know, never played it before so… better late than never?). Oh, or Boarderlands! Ha! not to spoil it for anyone, but uh… you get this feeling after the final battle…