What ever happened to making license plates?
Right, so my friend alerted me to THIS article on Yahoo about how prisoners in China were being abused if they don’t farm gold. Pretty disturbing stuff, but it kind of brings up some interesting issues of how to deal with said farmers. I mean, I love camping a gold farmer as much as the next guy, but I dunno… if it means some poor dude gets beat for not meeting quota cause I camped him… then it’s kinda messed up. I almost hate to pose this week’s question as “does knowing a real person gets harmed if you turn in a gold farmer give you any sympathy towards them(farmers)” cause I’m afraid of the responses, lol… so I think I’ll go another way with it…
So… yeah… I’m trying to experiment with getting the the minis streamlined with the larger ones… so if things go wonky every now and then, that’s what’s up.
I didint know you could report players for gold farming?
yeah, you kinda have to do it as a general ticket. things were easier to spot once upon a time, when you could see someone using a bot to auto-mine or farm elites for drops. Now I guess it’s all about the essences/volitiles or whathave you. though now and again, I’ll run into an obvious one in a group… won’t say a single word (or just basic words and bad spelling/grammar), need roll EVERYTHING, and tend to have names like AFSERADFDGAWERD. I’ve only reported a few like that… figure I’d let the GMs sort it out. Though the criers in Org (the people that spam trade/whispers/etc) I’ll report the spam with the little right clicky option. before that you had to manually contact a GM.
also, just to be clear, when I mean reporting people for gold farming, I’m not talking about just some kid who’s trying to get enough money for a mechanohog. no, I mean the people that “farm gold” to sell for actual money… which is against the TOS of wow and most other games.
the irony of the situation, is that one of the few games that has essentially eliminated gold farming is Forsaken World. never mind they have the cash shop (which you don’t really need), they separated npc gold from player trade gold in an attempt to regulate in game economics. seems like an interesting idea actually. *ahem* but what I mean by ironic… is that the game is made in China! XD
In the short term this is really bad for those prisoners or others forced to farm gold, but in the long run if people don’t buy it then gold farming becomes unprofitable and those prisoners will do something else.
It’s horrible they would treat prisoners that way.
true. it’s still amazing that people buy it! I just don’t understand the reason for it.
but yeah, the prison thing is a bit too far. sure, I’m all for them not having tvs, computers, books, weights or any of that stuff, but not for beatings and whatnot. not cool.
Sucks to get incarcerated no matter the country. I guess this is not a rule in Chinese prisons, but still, such things happening? I’m against the famous Austrian prison with full HD TVs that looks like a hotel, but I also oppose making chopsticks with your bare hands. Unfortunately there is no one capable of doing something against it, not mentioning there are other pressing matters in the world
I was actually about to say the same Nivella! As long as there is demand it’ll happen. As soon as it stops being worth it they’ll have to turn to something else.
Seems Forsaken World’s got a good idea on how to fight the situation. Unfortunately I’m losing faith in Blizzard ever addressing the problem in a firm way. *Sigh*
Unfortunately, there will always be demand for things that either give unfair advantages and the such.
They do, and it seems fairly solid in its effectiveness. It may be a bit late for wowlands, but in their next mmo, maybe they can make something from the ground up that’s a bit more effective.
The way the farmers and sellers get in means blizz can only go on an account by account basis. The most I can see them doing is hiring moderators to watch public channels and report offending accounts to whatever GM has the power to ban (a bane for those who dare start anal chat).
Other than that this is really on the shoulders of players to fall into my broad category of, “Don’t be stupid.” Report the PMs they send, report the public advertisers, and whenever they start up the corpse ads again then write a ticket.
Save yourself a bit of trouble and download an auto spam reporter (mildly ironic). I use BadBoy, it filters public channels for any sort of gold selling or powerleveling service and reports it.
I am a Chinese, also play WOW, although there are some gold farmer but
I have never heard about those things happed in prison.
Love your comics,maybe you can see some Chinese WOW comic here.
coolness! I’ll have to dig through your site with some google translate help! But it looks pretty awesome! >D
Ya know, even though I tease China here a bit, I still love you guys. >)
Name one person who does love chinease restrants!
Me. I don’t like Chinese food at all. I also hate how it makes my fridge smells. I prefer Mexican and I think there is a Vietnamese place in my city still. They do a really good curry and they make fresh lemonade; so tasty!
Gold is only valable becase we say so
same with dimonss
lol, yeah, in the real world, diamonds are pretty worthless but because there’s a monopoly on it, they have inflated value. just goes to show how a little bit of supply/demand control and darn good marketing can make you a fortune!
Then boycot them and go for the competition.
Either buy natural stones from Canada or get the man-made ones from either Russia or Florida [they use the Russian Tech]
lol, florida makes counterfeit diamonds? why am I not surprised?