No seriously… why the heck did he never pack heat?
So ok… things are changing around here, so gather round kids, it’s time we had a chat.
Not sure exactly the direction I’m wanting to take with CC, but I’m finding the minis to be much more versatile with what I can do. The large “friday” comics take a LOT of time (mainly in the inking, don’t ask why, it just takes FOREVER… mostly cause I think PS has a poor way of dealing with wacom resolution and so I end up trying to clean up lines more than draw them… but that’s another discussion)…
Anyways, I’m trying to streamline the comics and they may, for a while, look odd. like the fridays might be small like the minis… I’m working on it. PHP isn’t my forte, but I’ll experiment till I get it to work… or break massively… either way. I’ll keep working on it. But ideally, the big comics will end up big, the small… small. And you’d just hit previous/next to navigate them. “ideally”
So back to the point… I’m still working on getting my extra project done and there’s the convention in July coming up, so… not a lot of extra time. Minis are vastly easier to produce so hopefully you guys are enjoying them in the absence of a big friday one. Will I stop making the big ones? No. Will they be up every friday? Probably not. Will there at least be a mini on fridays? Of course! Will you have more updates a week if you keep doing just minis? Um… Kinda thought about this and I’d like to answer that with a tentative “maybe”. I know, that’s just about as concrete as a “soon”, but if they continue to be fairly easy and quick to push out, then I might consider it. >)
Anywho, hope the changes aren’t too disagreeable with you guys!
ALSO! Dreyfus Xano made a killer music vid with all of the wowwebcomicists, including yours truly. Engage Techno Engines!!
That looks like a very dangerous place to keep a gun; but then again he’s bullet proof so it doesnt matter where he keeps it.
Personally I keep coming back for your humor and the discussions here, and art style is really good. Don’t do something that is causing you more problems than it’s worth.
On a similar vein, if you could do more it would be very cool, but I don’t want to see you burning out by stand thinking of it as a chore. Don’t take more than you think you can handle.
lol, true! I mean, EVERY halfwit in superman world has a chunk of kryptonite. which… I got a great idea for another superman mini! mwahahaha!
you sure it’s not the free candy? hehe, well thank you Niv! that made my day!
I’ll see what I can do with the minis, but yeah, most of my attention has to go into the WS end of things. Also… think I’m giving up tonight on the formatting. None of it makes sense anymore. It “works” on the home page, but not on the individual pages. Why? Because the internet gods hate me! XD
I enjoy minis as much as I enjoy the big ones, so no worries, draw whichever and I’ll be happy :)
Glad you still have the energy to do all that, I’m starting to fill my comic buffers a bit too, though I find the lack of these quite mobilising :D
Keep up the good work! :)
>D thanks bud! guess it’s all good until I start getting death threats to bring back the big ones. lol!
Burn them.
I’m not talking about the threats.
Becase hez SUPERMAN DUH DUM DUH dum dummmm………. duh……….
(fail) he should pack heat
or at least just go back in time like he did in that one movie. I mean, why is it he only used that once? Also… my favorite version of superman was in the justice league tv show where they met an alternate universe version that would lobotomize all the villains with his laser eyes. XD
Hey Coffin thank you very much for referencing my video in this update of yours. I should have said rave rockets instead of techno rockets because I think this song is a ravey song. I hope your fans of CC and WS enjoy the video just as much as you did.
no probs bob! >)
Honely i more of a marvel kinda guy…………
I have only seen 1 superman movie and that was a cople years ago….. All i know is ALIEN MILD-MANNERED COVER, GIRLFRIEND AND WEAKNESS…..GREEEN CRYSTAL STUFF
don’t forget the rich bald guy that has nothing better to do with his money than to torment some dude who doesn’t know what order you put your pants on… >)