Right… You’re gonna need a loooooooooooooot of space for this!
I’ve seen some stuff online about ports for other games for the Xbox Kinect thingy, but I would love to see them port Wowlands! Could you imagine? Spin around for a Whirlwind attack? Or do the animated motions yourself to use that ability? It’d be craziness! So get to it programmy peoples!
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I still enjoy DDR. Too much would be a torture though, so I guess I’m 50/50 on that
Plus, she looks sooo happy, why not give it a try? ;>
hmm… I bet they’ll have (or do have?) a DDR for this! that’d probably be crazy fun!
so… since you can assign keyboard functions through movement, does that mean I can dance my way through typing up a research paper?
I know of two dance games for the Kinect Dance Central and Dance Masters. They both look pretty fun.
though I think I might just make pantomime action game for the Kinect! think about it! it would be just horrific on so many levels!
Someone’s already set up Kinect for WoW. wow.joystiq.com
That is leet right there…
DAMN! You beat me to it! :D Yes, I saw that a couple months ago and went DO WANT!
Granted, I won’t use it all the time, but for 30 minutes when I do my dailies or something? Heck yes!
ah… and now my life is complete… XD
though I guess we’ll have to wait for the “Fast” software to get better so that we can do the full animated motions for the spells to work.
lol, Jen, could you imagine using this to gather stuff like mining? now that’d be some exercise. and I think they should make you run in place to go forward. >)
when i was a few years younger i went to a shopping mall and was this japanese first person shooting game in which you were a japanese police officer and had to kneel, crouch and aim your gun all by yourself. i ended up eembarrased because i got all sweated, but it was awesome. :)
lol! nice! I can see stuff like that having its place… like have a combo gun and actual movement to make your guy go or do things, that might be cool. but I’m not sure how I’d like playing Halo with a finger gun. hmm, on second thought… scratch that! that’d be hilarious! XD