No seriously, this was the first thing I thought of when I saw the gameplay trailer for Fable: The Journey.  And unless you haven’t ever been in an elementary school, that’s Oregon Trail… ah… those were some good times.  Don’t think I ever made it to the finish… people kept on dieing. lol!

It seems interesting though… like, you’re driving a carriage through the Fable world with the Kinect thingy.  A pretty unique approach, though I’m not sure I’d want to watch a horse butt and hold virtual reins for hours on end.  We’ll see how it does though as more vids come out.  Not a “rail shooter” as many thought from the preview.  Seems to be a point they wanted to make after the initial reactions…

Horse riding and other crazy Kinect controlls... Awesomesauce or Weaksauce?

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