George Lucas defaces yet another of his creations.
Yup, apparently he’s decided to change a few things in the upcoming BluRay release of Star Wars. There are just 2 changes we know of right now, but who knows how crazy he’s going to go with that ol edit button of his. First change is the Yoda going CG instead all muppet… I guess that’s alright, but kind of obnoxious. I mean, we always get newer and newer technology. We can’t just keep updating all the old movies every time something comes out. Well… I guess we could, but again, obnoxious. The other is where Vader tosses the Emperor into the pit thingy… he was all silent before, now he’s got some dialog saying “NOOOO“. I saw both versions… While it’s not apparent if you haven’t seen it before or it’s been a while… and you probably wouldn’t care a whole lot if either of these are the case… But if you’re a diehard fan, then this will be something to the tune of having Yoda say “Live long and prosper”. Sorry folks, the man’s a great director, but he needs to be stopped when it comes to his past work. These touch ups are absolutely unnecessary and contribute nothing to the overall experience. Just leave well enough alone Georgy boy!
Btw… for those that didn’t know, the comic is a bit of a play on Lucas’s past transgression of changing all the guns in E.T. to walkie talkies (and for my younger readers, those are kinda like ancient radio cell phones). XD
Source: NY Times

Unnecessary but who are we to tell them they can’t?
well, I tend to have issues with things like this… other than simple technical edits, like grammar and whatnot…
for instance, my most HATED edit of all time in the universe is in the american version of The Ring. at the end, when Sadako (or whatever her english name was) comes out of the TV, in the pre-release version she had a normal child’s face that was a bit drowned looking… just makeuped. the actual release had a gory cgi horror face copy/pasted over it. it looked horrible! I was very angry!
(super secret shawn fact… I LOVE the japanese Ring series)
Changing Matrix 1? HEEEEEEEEEEL no!
Changing its sequels — give me the number to the W bros
sigh… maybe you’re right… maybe some titles need to be reworked… but if I had my choice… I’d say Episode 1! yeah, all you star warsy people know what I’m talkin about! doesn’t need a full rework… just execute Jarjar at the end and it would be the best movie of all time. >D
i dont get why everyone hates that character specifically and leave the rest alone.
lol, idk… he just annoyed the crud out of me! though I guess without him, it would expose the rest of the stuff that’s wrong.
that was a fast reply!
if you really want to see the prequel star wars movies without much of the jar jarisms, childish behavior, and other unneeded things you should check out The Phantom Edits which supposedly George openly liked them untill his Legal team complained about Piracy, so far Episode 1 (the phantom edit ) & 2 (attack of the Phantom ) have been done
As I see it, it’s the artists prerogative to alter the work s/he does if they do it for the sake of art. That is: if I’ve written and finished a long story about a fictive universe, but I feel I haven’t explored all possibilities within that universe, then why not either use dream scenarios or create parallel universes in which things play out differently? Although, I do feel that in most cases where an artist change their work alter it’s published, it’s rarely changes big enough to be of any major impact for the story. It’s more to alter minor stuff and I can’t help but getting the feeling that the minor alteration is not for the sake of art but simply to be an easy way to earn more money. I mean, why re-release a million versions of star wars when the changes rarely gives the story a better flow; it just pisses the fans of but still sell since everyone who loves star wars want to see the new version.
Han shot first! (imho, the original story works waaaaay better when Han develops from thug and anti hero to a good guy)
I meant to type “their work *after it’s published”
there really should be an “edit” function on published posts ;D
idk… I just have a weird problem with changing things that are already successful. Ok, if it’s a book or something, I’d say it’s ok to revise the edition if you’ve got spelling, grammar, or other little edits that need fixing… but if you’re altering large bits of work, then maybe that’s a prob.
ps… NO EDIT BUTTONS ON THIS SITE! mwahahahaha! pencils down, Winter! XD
Well, Peter Jackson’s Director’s cut is better than the theatrical releases, but you can still see the originals, and not try to deny that Han shot first. Lucas is surrounded by a pack of sycophantic yes men who support his every twisted fantasy. Only his death will allow better Star wars products to be made.
or at least we could get a bill passed to prevent Lucas and his descendants from altering the original work… and no cgi overlays…
The same can be said about books as well BUT in that industry what gets published is all the fault of the publishers.
I really would want to read Ed Greenwood’s Spellfire with the extra 2 chapters at the beginning with all the character development and all that “fluff” WotC cut out of the rest of the book that had things like character development, personal interaction, etc. You know, all those things outside of the action sequences that give the characters some dimension, show intelligence, thought, personality, relationships, etc.
As for Movies, “Revenge of the Killer Tomatoes” needs to be reshot with the same budget as the first film.
As for CGI - it has its place - in SW IV with the number of ships / fighters on the screen multiplied through computer wizardry adds a little bit more to the level of epic since they still used the original model images.
CGI for the sake of CGI gives you such fine films as Final Fantasy with great detailing but no script and voice acting more wooden than the petrified forest.
A good story with good acting has the audience overlook any shortcomings in the visuals.
Then again you can have something that is totally the opposite - Plan 9 from outer Space - Night of the Lupines - Them ….. you see what I mean right?
lol, I loved the first Killer Tomatoes! (and cartoon too)!
there’s something to say about kitsch and camp movies. if they remade the lupines one, it would just be a travesty!
I think that changes should only be made to REALLY bad movies. Movies like Star Wars, Star Trek, etc- things with a super cult like fan base shouldn’t be altered unless you want riots outside of your offices.
That being said- it is his movie, he owns the rights to it. He obviously thinks he is doing the right thing (though the CG Yoda is gonna bug me forever *grits teeth*)
All in all, I’m a bag of mixed feelings. But my feeling matter little cause the people with money are gonna do what they are gonna do.
then again, it’s up to the consumers to protest by not purchasing the altered movies. if it prevents enough sales, studios might get the hint. but realistically, it’s not going to happen… people will still buy the blurays and no lessons shall be learned…
the is people starving to death in the world and people spends millions of dollars on remakes and also on making movies and projects that have all the cliches from previous ones, and it makes me mad beacuse a lot of people buys those movies or goes to the cinema to watch them. capitalism and consumism sucks hard.
unfortunately, in a society of our size, we kind of have to rely on capitalism and consumerism… it keeps the economy going and money circulation… however, as we’ve seen in recent years, that whole system can break down when too many greedy people enter the mix.
what we really need are a few drastic changes that a lot of politicians are not willing to make. they’d rather push money towards their constituents and let the whole thing fall apart. buuut what can ya do?
As an artist yourself, I’m a little surprised that you would side Against the original Artist retaining the right to do what they felt with Their creations.
I know I wouldn’t be at all happy if somebody else took away my right to do with My works as I saw fit. That’s part of the point of retaining the right in the first place. More than once I’ve gone back over things I’ve done in the past and found ways that I thought would be an improvement. But I will say that in My case, anything I do I do for my own pleasure First and well, if other folks like it, that’s great. If not, at least I enjoyed it. Yes, I’m a selfish old woman. [chuckles]
All that being said, in all honesty, the man should have stopped making Star Wars movies after he did the Original three. I saw the first of that newer mess… I didn’t have the stomache to even Finish watching it. It was like watching a commercial for the next two. And agreed, JarJar really… [shudders] I truly wished Darth Vader had come back through a time portal and throttled that annoying piece of over-the-top bad writing/acting/CGI work.
And I admit, some of the tweaks old Georgy thinks up are… Well, he Is getting up there in years people, let’s be honest. Senility may well be a factor in a few of his less… Sensible… Actions.
But I Still believe we (all of us) artists should retain the right to alter (or Not, as in the case of censorship!) our own works.
well… here’s the thing… as an artist, we have to deal with the most terrible curse when it comes to making art… we are NEVER done. (when speaking about a single work) it drives us mad. but at some point, you have to just stop and move on or else you’ll be tinkering with a single work for your whole life. it’s said “artists never finish works, they just move on”… so pencils down and move to the next project!
often I’ve thought about revitalizing some of my old stuff. back in the day I was still getting used to that whole tablet thing and even my style has been refined a bit more… so looking back it’s kind of annoying to me that the style isn’t consistent (OCD powers activate!). buuuut… I really don’t want to mess with things. sure, it may look a bit wonky, but it shows how far I’ve come and there are bigger fish to fry.
I guess it’s up to him, but I think it also belongs to the people too… at that end of it, I’m not sure… but as an artist, I’d say he made a pretty darn good impact with his work and his time is better spent in new endeavors.