There’s something about video games that make people lose their common sense. I’m not sure why. Maybe because it’s the newest form of media, so it gets picked on until the next skinny kid transfers to the school. Or maybe it’s because of the nature of it being interactive. Regardless, video games are constantly under fire by the syndicated news media, politicians, religious groups, and others that don’t have anything better going on in their lives. Not to mention the most degenerative media of all… the Human imagination! (seriously, anyone who has or seen kids knows they come up with some pretty violent stuff when playing) The big debate always boils down to “do video games cause violence”.
So lets set things straight once and for all. Media is media. Whether it be games, sports, movies, music, still images, books, etc… ALL of these are capable of inflicting the effects of “desensitization” on individuals. Ok gang, here’s the science… Observing violence, in any kind of form, may raise levels of adrenaline, giving a bit of a rush to aggression. However, these effects are temporary in adults and pose no real danger of long-term desensitization or violence. It gives you a little rush, you get excited, you cheer at the guy getting blown up on the big screen, then it’s done and you go on your merry way. This is because your adult brains are already set in how they function. You know right and wrong and what’s real from fantasy. So no worries, you won’t go on a killing spree after playing GTA or MW2.
“Ok then,” you might say, “you used that ‘adults’ word. What about the children? Won’t SOMEBODY think of the children!!” Right, there’s the rub. Children (based on a few articles I’ve seen) are not very aware of the difference between fantasy and reality until ages 4-6. Also, according to Surgeon General, TV violence is a major risk factor for development of early onset aggression between the ages of 6-11. Meaning, little kids shouldn’t be watching anything with people dieing or killing and kids a little older should be monitored (ie, PG, parental guidance, a parent in the room with the kid) and very violent things should be filtered accordingly. The same source also states the mid teens have one of the highest rates of non-aggressive individuals converted to aggressive ones… which should be no shock to any parent. Hormones are a great thing huh? Anyways, that whole adrenaline rush thing still happens to kids and it lasts longer. If media is way beyond the scope of what is appropriate for a child, depending on the age, it IS BAD! As in, you gotta learn empathy, folks. Strip that away and you’ve got some trouble coming!
But fear not! For there is hope! The powers that be, in their infinite wisdom, have developed a system for distributing media to the appropriate audiences through a series of codings! That’s right! Games, movies, tv, and music all have special codes that only enable children of a certain age to engage. Only one little flaw… Parental unit defects may allow for material of inappropriate codings to slip through the filtering system to the child subjects. Until my bill is passed that would subjugate defective units to a series of “re-education” maintenances or deactivations, we’ll just have settle with labeling them as morons.
The system is only as good as those who follow it. The media ratings are set for the appropriate age levels. If a 4yr old is playing GTA, then there’s a problem with the parents, not the game or its designers. At the end of the day, it is up to the parents to filter out inappropriate materials for the child’s age. Take responsibility and stop using video games (or any other media) as a scapegoat!
Of course, this assumes all Humans are the exact same. There are a few out there that are crazy as hell. When you study the brains of violent criminals and even serial killers, you find their brains are wired wrong. That’s not to say all people with brains like theirs will become violent, just that they have a high predisposition for it. You can’t blame the media when the ol clockworks are already busted.
Now, this wouldn’t be a Coffin Comic if I hadn’t gone through points C-Z on my way to B. This is about the news media and its high degree of tardedness. Actually, this comic was originally about that kid a few weeks back that thought he was a vampire or something stupid like that. This wouldn’t have been a problem, but one news press decided to add a few lines of “it was all because of vampire movies like Twilight that caused him to hallucinate”. Yeah, if you start thinking you’re a vampire because of a movie… then you’ll probably fall into that bat guano crazy category of factory defect brains. Sorry, but a normal brain doesn’t go on thinking it’s a mythical creature and assault people. (Note: The original article linked above has no mention of any of this sensationalism, but the ABC news report thought it would be ok to add on this little jab towards the motion picture media.)
But that’s besides the point. He could have run around town naked and shanking people, but that still doesn’t give the media the right to spin the news to call him out for what he is; an idiot. Even if video games or movies had effected him (like he played Kill Zone as a baby), it still isn’t the fault of interactive media, it solely rests on the parents! You can’t blame a wrench for building a death ray… just the evil super villain who thought of it!
Getting back to the comic… I decided to do a quick bit of research on news media and how THEY effect children. Well, wouldn’t you know it, the National Crime Prevention Council (you know, Scruff McGruff) say that “may cause children to become aggressive, desensitized to violence, and have less empathy for others.” WOW! Where have I heard that before? Oh wait, that’s what the news media says about all the other forms of media! So what is it? Will Fox News and all the other syndicated sensationalists belly up to the bar with the rest of us social degenerates, or still claim they are immune because they only “report news” and are ultimately different? You can’t have it both ways. You can’t just point the finger without having it pointed right back. In fact, I will go out on a limb and say that the news media is even MORE dangerous! Because it IS real (as in, the violence you see there) and it’s often mixed in there with seemingly harmless stuff. For instance, while you wait for the weather to come on, between all the reports of the economy taking a dump and Lady Gaga’s new dress, you’ve got video of the latest riots or murders or massive disasters. There isn’t a “cover the kids’ eyes” disclaimer. In reality, news broadcasts should be given the label of “TV MA”.
I could go on forever about all this, but I’m sure you all are pretty tired of reading by now. lol! So let me conclude with something of a downer… Violence and aggression are, for the most part, learned behaviors (with some exceptions noted above); that means, the greatest risk to children ARE the parents. Whether that is because they are allowed to view inappropriate media, or worse yet, view it first hand between their parents. So please, take great care in raising your youngins! It ultimately rests with the parents to set the right example and filter what is appropriate for what age. Use the rating codes as your guide.

I guess it depends on the person!
true, a good deal has to do with the individual. not everything works the same for everyone. got a lot of nature/nurture variables going on.
sadly i have to agree, the residents of this planets are far too different from each other, %$& diferences.
News, make one then start lies, breed hate, and control the strings of the world. all so you can benefit from the simple ones.
I’d love to see a news source that only reports good things. wouldn’t that be something? but I guess happy doesn’t sell, huh?
no, so they show sad and morbid instead cause it sells more.
I have to say parents, not only can they model aggressive behaviour themselves but it is their responsibility to control what the children are exposed to (and making sure they take their meds if hallucinations are an actual issue). Every single thing on that list has the potential to contribute, but only if it makes it past the filter.
I had a friend growing up who’s parents would not let her watch the news so she wouldn’t be exposed to all the criminals and disasters out there.
Anyway, if you’re watching the news just for the weather, looking it up on the internet or having it texted to your phone every morning would be much easier, and then watch the afternoon news while the kids are at school, or read it on the internet whenever you have the time.
yup yup! I don’t think parents should “never” let their little grubs watch things, just keep it in the proper context of their ages. so a 5yr old shouldn’t be allowed to play a T(een) game, and a 13yr old should. same with tv/movies/etc.
yeah, I actually try to avoid most of the news. I never watch it on the TV since most of it is junk. usually, if I need something, I’ll go over to Reuters or BBC. Though I guess I get an honorary nerd card cause most of the things I read are on the science/physics news boards. For weather, I’m alllll about the Wunderground! >D
I blame the economy! And after that chocolate pudding!
At the end of the list there is always peer pressure and all those video games, like Postal or Manhunt, that allow one to decide about the fates of non-existent people, often in a very spectacular way.
Bah humbug! It’s the pudding I say!
hmm… I often want to smash chairs over peoples’ heads after eating butterscotch pudding… bleh! worst thing on earth! XP
Did I ever mention I’d love to see that fox in a separate webcomic? x] Its awesomeness is over 9000 ponies!
My little sister used to laugh at the word pudding all the time; now I know it was sinister….
lol… maybe so, maybe so… he’s kind of my stand in for anything related to the evil news corporations.
yes… pudding is evils! though I used to eat tons of banana pudding… like, more than a healthy minded person should… XD
yeah, id love it if you made a webcomic called ” the adventures of toddler and fox “.
Parents can’t protect their kids from all violent influences. From school or TV or the internet or their friends or anything in the world they will get some level of it. Parents have to spend time teaching kids self-control, responsibility, and to think before they act as well as curbing violent influences. Teaching that well far outweighs any other influences.
think you hit the nail on the head with that one!
i say purge the media!! stratholme style!!!!
also why is a red rat on the news? :)
The news fox is offended now, which is fine since he spreads the message of violence.
don’t hate the news fox! hate the game! err… somethin like that.
but you can trust Frank! he’s fair and balanced… well, as long as you agree with him…
Really, I think TV does more damage than video games. What do parents do when they want their kids to shut up for a bit? Plop em in front of the TV and go do something else.
And them some slasher movie comes on whilst the parental unit is doing something else.
But still, all the media listed above are potential triggers. =_= so lets blame the parents, for not teaching their children to not take things so seriously.
On an semi unrelated note- i miss the days of Looney Toons, Tom and Jerry, and such- that was quality TV man
very true.
and I do as well! though I’ve been getting into the new Looney Toons series. pretty good stuff, but very different from what we grew up with.
ive always hated Tom and Jerry, a cat chasing a mouse is the whole plot of EVERY SINGLE EPISODE and that really made me feel tired after sometime.
also, merry anversary to you all!
some episodes broke the mold a bit… like the crambone song one, but yeah, most of it was pretty much copy pasta.
and thank you much! it may horrify you to know that in a few days I’ll have about 160 comics from this site alone! craziness huh?
WoW taught me that to have the things I want, I have to kill people and strip their corpses…
lol! and also slaughter various species of animals into extinction so that you can get an achievement!
I’d have to say that personally starting blowing things up at 10 made me passive by 15 =P (15 now) don’t do this to make your kids peaceful parents! I’m just weird, also it is either parents or biology, and if the latter that is not ANOTHER excuse to drug children, seriously, everyone interesting is drugged out of existience or has major malfunctions
what? you dare question the almighty drug companies?! just think of the cocktail of medicines as “vitamins”… yeah… that’s it… vitamins…
I have to say, Real life is much more cruel than fantasy….in fantasy you get to RE-Spawn and the violance that shown in the media is a result of the people around the world, history, their greed and so on…. I have to say that whoever tries to pin their mistakes on things like ” Video games cause society to fall ! ” than I would say ”To hell with that society” if they are that weak-willed or not taking responsibility for their actions…
If you are a parent, you are responsible to protect your child from bad effects, that saying ”This game has nudity ! My child will become a pervert ! ” will not justified if you are the one who bought him that game ….
I can go on and on about this but I am sick of people who keep blaming the gamers and our ”bad influence” when they are doing worse things behind doors….
I say all the World Wars and Oil wars are 100 times worse than any Zombie game I saw.
oh man, don’t even get me started on the whole “nudity is perverting our society” thing… already had to deal with that in an overly conservative university. lets just say… the life drawing classes had leotards and boxers…
though, the irony is that because of all those world wars and oil and evil science for winning both, will probably lead to the zombie apocalypse, and who will have countless hours of tactical training in the art of zombie slaying? darn right!
At first I was like screw the rating system but after readin this I will follow it when I have children. but Im 16 and all but 2 or 3 of my games are M I know the difference between RL and fantasy. so could the rating system be slightty off but it could be different from person to person Im just not sure
I think the more important part of development is between the ages of 4-11… after that, you’re pretty much good to go. I still wouldn’t recommend letting an 12yr old play COD or GTA, since it would still up the aggression levels for a time, but according to the research, it “shouldn’t” have permanent effects. “shouldn’t”…
as for a 16yr old, you’re ok. sure, aggression/adrenaline levels probably spike a bit higher in the younger crowd more than us old fogies, but again, nothing to worry about. I think the issue with the M and R ratings are to help control the “amounts” of that stimuli. too much is also probably not so good in the teen years as well (sustained I mean… like to the point it’s at high levels all the time… that’s less healthy)… but still… I doubt they would find that it cause your brain to flip out and start shooting up the place. the vast majority of the influence is in that really young time frame.