Green Lantern Review
Ok folks, I’m sorry… I tried, I really did but I just couldn’t stomach it past the first 15min of this movie. It’s absolutely painful! I’m not sure if it’s the overuse of blatant CG or the horrible story telling that just shoves you into the universe too suddenly, but man, this was bad. Maybe it gets better later, maybe I’m a bit too harsh, but I just couldn’t do it. Perhaps one day I’ll attempt it again, but for now, I’m throwing in the towel.
Anyways, for those folks that don’t know, Mr. Green Lantern here has one of the absolute worst weaknesses in all of comic history. The color yellow!! No, you didn’t read that wrong… literally, the color. I’m not exactly sure how the mechanics of it work, but apparently anything yellow makes his ring not work… or something like that. Talk about having your kyptonite sitting around every where you go! Never mind that green is made up of blue and YELLOW, but it seems like quite the disadvantage… I mean, how could you compete with that? Couldn’t someone just point a yellow filtered flashlight in your direction and you lose all your powers? I guess at the very least it makes things interesting in a fight.
Ah well…

Wait so how often r u updating now?
heh! well… seems to be 3 days a week here on Coffin Comics (MWF) and again on mondays at What’s Shakin’…. sooo…. 4 now! craziness huh?!
Because I feel like it:
Justin Bieber. The sight of his(Her?) face and that voice makes me vomit and my ears bleed. I won’t be of any use then.
More realistically, it’s water. I keep forgetting to drink it, then I get slightly dehydrated and my head starts hurting (like now; meh) then I remember for a week, then I forget again.
lol, mine too!!! the bieber causes pain!
What’s a Bieber? I think one of those ran out into the road in front of me once…
dunno, think it’s one of THESE things…
:Nerd Alert:
Yellow is the only wave color that green can’t pass through. So its not that the color makes his ring not work, but his ring wont work on anything that is primarily yellow.
:End Nerd Alert:
hmm, but “yellow” covers quite a bit of ground… does it include variations of yellow? and what of things like pigment mixtures, such as a photo that contains droplets of red yellow and blue? would any color still effect him then?
huh, interesting! you know, I need to go and check out all the issues! never read the stories before. luckily it seems the local library has lots of the collections in hardback.
I’ve actually never bothered with green lantern - never read any comic with him or seen the movie. I must say it was a rather interesting drawback to be weak against a colour…. especially one that is so close in wavelength. The ones making him must really have thought this through over a dozen of beers, I guess. I mean, they must at least have though of the obvious logical gaps, such as: How does his powers define where the green part of the spectra ends and where the yellow one starts? Is it like a sharp border at around 560nm or can he go closer and still function? Would he be able to defeat yellow by holding up, say, a cyan filter as it only lets green and blue through (since yellow is green+red)? As you mentioned with the flash-light, will a yellow one stop him? And what about white light, there is quite a heap of yellow in it, will he be able to go outside in the sun?
Since I haven’t read the comic, they might take all this into account. But I do think I did the right choice in skipping this hero, it seems they made him slightly too weird for me.
As for my own weakness…. I think I must answer sex, I always get so tired afterwards. Though, as long as the villain is cute, I don’t think I would mind if they’d sap my super powers by using my weakness ;)
yeah, that’s what I want to know! I do like the idea of the filter!
actually, you bring up an interesting point. see, the sunlight outside is actually filtered to be quite a bit blue. our eyes automatically adjust and cameras are calibrated to a sunny day in NY. so in theory, a “yellow” object under the earth’s atmosphere would appear to be more greenish… so… wouldn’t yellow only work if he’s out in space or in a light filtered room? the world demands answers!!
Math equasions consisting on letters mixed in with the numbers and signs….evil I know…
algebra… the most evil of all mathematics!
Coffin, you spelled calculus wrong.
uhg… don’t even get me started on calc… talk about getting pushed to your limits! ha! cause… the… nm…
What about multiplication and division? The devils work I just know it!
oh, I’m absolutely sure statistics is the work of the devil!
Stupid people trying to convince me to their ideas.. and don’t know what ‘GET THE HECK OUTTA MY SAFE ZONE’ is.
Headbanging the wall till it collapses, can be painful
it only hurts for the first few blows… know what they say, no brain, no pain!
Shiny objects are shiny and distracting. Ever try plotting world domination, but never get past the ‘leave your room’ part because you have too many things that sparkle and shine and make fun of your horribly short attention span?
Doesn’t work too well, if you ask me.
yup, I try to take over the world every day…. buuuuut, there’s a new episode of MLP on so maybe tomorrow…
my super weakness is a super nova, or a regular nova
psh, such a squishy! can’t take a star going nova at point blank…