Heh, ok… I love when I find these articles, you know, the ones where they make some major discovery that all of us already knew about. This last one was about a study on car color and heat. Seems that white/silver cars stay cooler in the sun than dark colored/black cars! I know, this is some crazy mind boggling quantum stuff, so if you can’t keep up, that’s understandable. LOL! But seriously, it never ceases to amaze me how much “proof of common sense” experiments there are (like my other favorite, chainmail is heavy).
I think that I actually love this sorta thing. It’s just science for the sake of science! Sure, we all know that getting hit with a bottle hurts, but how much? Do different kinds of bottles do more damage? What are the variables that effect it? Why not find this out? (and it seems the Mythbusters did a show on this!) So yeah, quantifying the actual processes of events that are common knowledge to us may sound mundane and ridiculous, but I think it gives us a little perspective and heck, it’s just fun! Science should be fun!
That and it’s kinda neat they actually figured out how MUCH of a difference there is between the two colors of car. Looks to be about an average of .44mpg (2%) and about 1.9% carbon dioxide emissions. So… White cars are good for the environment! Kinda…
Anyways, the argument I always hear that accompany these sorts of research studies is “humbug! Scientists should only work on cures for diseases and stuff”. Well, that research is important and all, but I think we tend to forget that there are a LOT of kinds of science out there. Think of it kind of like art, a sculptor might not be able to be a painter… two very different things, even though it’s all “art”. Same with science. Also, doing all these weird little side projects has a small chance for cross overs. There tends to be a lot of serendipitous works from the other fields when they bleed over, so who knows… maybe we’ll figure out this whole theory of everything thing if we study cooking eggs on sidewalks… idk… you know what I mean. >)
Source: Physorg
I did a guest comic for the wonderful Kuo Comics! Check it out! It kind of ties into the storyline which can be seen from the start HERE… but you should know that… cause Jenn’s comic is so awesome you’re probably already reading it! >)
I keep trying to remember to find a way to link that in game on my characters that did that quest years ago. Why? To link it in when people die to the fire walls in zul’gurub.
While I of course recognize that not all scientists are in disease research and cannot cure cancer and all that with a finger snap, I do wish they would spend time trying to find new things.
As the female gnomes have found, “I’ve discovered that getting pummeled by a blunt weapon can be quite painful.”
Wooot, you brought world of warcraft on the topic, you are a true heroine!
btw, hey coffin,Shawn, Freeman or whatever name you prefer to be called, you still havent told me where i can get those scarlet crusade tabards. oh and could you tell me how to get to undercity while being alliance please? i want to uhhh… pay your halloween burning man a visit.
yeah, ya know, I think what they really need to do is try to push science a LOT harder! I mean, it should be one of the most funded parts of society. Yet… it’s not. Hell, a lot of it is funded by donation. where did we all go so wrong?
oh! sorry! um, you have to go into the Scarlet Monastery and after you kill off Herod, like a few dozen of them will run out for you to massacre. only got a 3% chance to drop the tabard… which seems so much higher on paper cause I swear I had to run it at least 10 times for it to drop.
here’s a link to it: TABARD LINK
As for paying us a visit… well… hopefully you’re 85 or high enough to have Azeroth flying. anyways, get to a flight path close enough and fly into the main entrance. it will be just to the left in the open courtyard. so it’s not actually inside the city… err… you know what I mean… it’s above ground. so yeah, by foot is a little more difficult… um, I think you have to hit up Chillwind Camp and make a beeline for UC. you’d want to keep going left on the roads till you hit it. depending on your server, I’d try to hide out a few yards/meters behind it and cast the thingy so you’re out of sight; but nobody has messed with me on my dwarf or belf so idk if you’ll have much trouble.
thank you wowh… coffin, keep up the good work!!!! :P
Last things first - and a late answer I know >_< but if you fly just go straight over-top Mr Crispy aka Burning Man and land on his head.
It works for Hord on Alliance and should work the other way round. Just be fast on the remount and RUN.
Now as for Science being underfunded - that is due to politics and the great American free market system, which has as much relation to that as Russia has to Communism. Yeah - just because they label it that way doesn't make it true.
Pure research unfortunately is overseen by peers who are just as much in lala land and the broken funding models as the "researchers".
The car heating thing was not so much research as actually quantifying just how big an impact colour has, and it does have some but it is marginal at best.
Here is the thing about common sense - It just Isn't - either common or actually correct - at best it is horoscopes with peer review.
Now to pester the GMs et al so that next year they theme all the Zombies - Plumbers [Drains] Trolls [ flames] Pilots [ planes] chiropractors [sprains] etc etc etc - uh yeah - *waves* bye
but… I thought you shouldn’t stand in the fire! >O
you know, I’m really put off that the US dropped the ball on the whole LHC/CERN collider thingy! I mean, we had one here that was pretty big, but they slowly stopped funding and said no to the big big one and here we are in the 21st century with no space program to speak of and no huge colliders! it’s ridiculous! I guess it’s a wee bit of patriotism that I think we should be #1, so it’s very disappointing that we’ve let ourselves fall behind the other countries.
so… when y’all elect me president, I promise to up funding for science and cut funding for rich old politicians! also… hoverboards!
Its important enough to know why, because that might lead to something else, and slowly we will begin to understand everything :P
very well said random person of randomness!
it’s amazing how many discoveries we get in one field of science from another completely unrelated one! it just takes someone with fresh eyes to put 2 and 2 together. so who knows… cooler car colors = cold fusion? maybe! XD
But “common sense” is often wrong, sure it might seem stupid to test things that turn out to be right, but when things like properties of chemicals like ammonia or soda can be tested to find out if they have medicinal uses or something, it can be good to test popular myths