Hmm… always wondered what it would look like if you were one of the 2d side scrolling characters. Do they see just a 2d plain like in the comic, or is it more of an awareness of the other 3rd dimension? Come to think of it, wasn’t there some weird Mario game where you went into the front view of the side scroller?
Ok gang, so here’s the deal for the next coming weeks. I’m going to be out of town for about 3 weeks so I kind of had to speed up production a bit. So in the following weeks, you’ll be getting a Wednesday and Friday update of a comic written by my friend (and drawn by your’s truly). It’s done in outline b/w format only, cause, ya know, had to make a bunch on the fly. So I hope you enjoy his insanity as much as you have mine! “Should” be back in full swing come Dec.12th (that monday). If you guys like his comic, we might be able to convince him to do a few more for the site. >) What’s Shakin’ will have maybe 1-2 pages/weeks of downtime… depending on if I get over this cold quickly and get back to drawing ahead. Regardless, I got some nifty wallpapers for your amusement in the meantime.
I don’t blame him! That would terrify me!
now here’s a science question… what does Terry then see? did Steve blip out of existence or is he still aware of his position?
btw, sry folks for the 2hr delay… kinda, um… forgot what day it was… I blame the NyQuil!!
Hmmm, based on the previous comic I thought you were going to blame skyrim!
Disregard comic, acquire dragon souls.
man… so many dragons… so little time…
[tilts head] I’m still trying to figure out how Terry could see Steve in the first place in that context.
I would think that Steve just went poof and Terry would think he hears his voice from the grave since he basically went off the side of the cliff from Terry’s point of view.
And have a nice uh… Vacation? I guess? Anyway, see you in December and hope you have a good time doing whatever until then. ^_^
oops, don’t think I mentioned where I was going… lol! well, I’m going to be out and about doing some family visits and stuff.
Super Paper Mario was the game you’re thinking of, the one with the side scrolling, but then going to the other view with Mario’s 3D power.
yes that’s it! it burns! IT BURNS!!!