Hmm… think I mostly wanted to see what they’d look like in the SW universe. >)
Now, many of you (or none) might be wondering if I’m going to make a full switch with this site. Well, nope. Still gonna have some wowcraft comics all up in here as well as anything else that randomly jumps into my head. So no worries! Oddly enough, they got some races that look pretty close to orcs, undead(ish), and draenei (sans face tentacles). Though I think it’d be nice if they had a few dwarves running about. You can’t tell me that in a galaxy far far away, with billions of stars, there isn’t at least one species of dwarf! Utter nonsense!
However, I will say this… Playing beta has reinvigorated my creative juices and I have a LOT of fun sketches for comics to come! So expect to see a good amount of SW stuff in the mix. I’ll try to keep things balanced though, so it’s not going to be overrun.
No face tentacles!? Pah! Thanks for saving me the money, not worth it if I can’t have them.
hahahaha! there’s the weird blue folks on the other side with tentacles on top of their heads… that’s kinda close… right?
Did the silly zealot heard the word heresy?!?!?!
XD yeah… jawas are just no substitute…
Angry Nith is angry. Limb ripping imminent
Every time I switch from a SW game I miss a lightsaber in my hands.. or dual for that matter
Glad you’re juicy again xD
Nith’s not the type you want angry… you wouldnt like him when he’s angry! like a big ol hairy hulk!
I thought the whole SWs universe/lightsaber thing would be too… nerdy for me. but I was VERY wrong!!! it seems just so natural and as someone who has no idea of anything lorewise other than everybody hates jawas and jarjars, I’ve been enjoying the story and immersion so much. from a game I mocked for months before now, that beta sure changed my tune! gj bioware!
Hehe i like the idea sir! I also have gotten drawn inevitably into the star wars game myself!
it’s like a black hole… never really saw it coming, but it’s hard to escape!
I’ve been playing TOR for the past few days, and even with all the hype, I’m not disappointed. They did a good job on it so far. Just got to get to end game stuff before I know whether it’s better than WoW.
If your going to play the game, GET SLICING.
actually, it was the hype that killed it for me from the start. that and the horrid excuse of a trailer they released.
but yeah… those feelings changed pretty quick. XD
I’m wondering about endgame myself, but I guess we need to wait a few months for everyone to get settled in at 50 to see.
ha! that’s too logical! I’m a glutton for punishment! Synthweaving all the way!! >D
ok so maby you shount not make anyone companion charter! but coffin seems happy enuff!
yeah, other than a few face tats, his looks didn’t really change much. well… except for the saucy British accent… XD
i chose all of them :D on a side note, Why are all the accents British? Im certainly not complaining, but any rhyme or reason?
heh… that gave me an idea for an upcoming comic! >)
buuuut if I had to guess… there was a scene in the recent incarnation of Dr.Who where one of the companions (the first blonde one I think) asked why all aliens had a northern accent to which the Doctor replied “every planet has a north”. cute and clever way to explain it, so I think that’s just how it is.
ALSO!!!! on a side note, the Bounty Hunter has the voice actor who did Spike from Cowboy Bebop! just tinkered with the class before the server maintenance and man, it’s just epic! BioWare pulled out all the stops for this game!
Hey, my favourite game type wasn’t one of the pre-set vote options - how come you didn’t list H-Game? (don’t google it at work or with parents nearby) ;P
Seriously though, it’s a hard choice; I like most kinds of games. WoW is still nice and games set in fantasy environments are really lovely (*). Then again, I do love sci-fi as well. I haven’t tested SW yet, but from what I’ve heard it’ll be a blast. A bunch of my friends are planning to start there, my biggest problem is that I want to be a Sith (Darth Farth, if the name will be available after I out it here) and they’ve discussed playing as rebels.
(*) Whether wow is true fantasy is subject to interpretation. I would claim that “real” fantasy never includes advanced circuitry and combustion engines; steam engines and clockwork is maximum. But still, WoW is pretty fun.
lol!!! I shouldn’t be surprised, should I? XD
I think it only works if it’s kind of steampunk. idk, I find steampunk to play well with the fantasy world, even with magic, but anything more advanced than gears, pulleys, and bobbits is a bit much. circuitry and HD tv screens right is out. ok, for instance… Elder Scrolls did this right with it’s dwarven tech. and I’d say some of it in wow was ok, but when it gets too advanced then I’d have to veto.