StarWars Kid 2.1
So I’m pretty much in love with this game right now and I’ll probably need to do a proper review at some point, but for now, lets talk a bit about customizations. Now, I love games (mmos in particular) that give you a great deal of liberty when designing your character. I mean, you’re in it for the long haul with your guy, so he might as well embody what you have in your head as your heroic avatar. But too many developers tend to skimp on this feature and it absolutely boggles my mind how they think they can get away with it in this generation of gaming.
SWTOR is no exception. While I will say that they do give you quite a bit of options with heads, hair, skin tone, scars, complexion, and even face paint… I think they fell short with the body type options. See, you only get 4, yes FOUR, body types! You can be short and skinny, tall and skinny, super beefcake, or round. And I don’t mean that in any kind of derogatory way, I mean, literally ROUND! It’s impossibly human and pretty much downright cartoonish. I like games that give you a wide variety of making your guy look the way you want, but if you’re only going to get 4 options, then at least make them be more natural.
(by the way, the last option I made to look like the starwars kid cause that’s what it reminds me of… like an over the top cartoon version of him.)
I don’t even want to get started on the female options either… short skinny with a small chest, short skinny with a large chest, tall toned with a medium chest, or tall toned with a medium chest that is stretched horizontally. Like, something you’d do in photoshop where you stretch the image out widthwise. Visually, it doesn’t make sense, especially when you compare it to the previous body type. It literally looks like they took the character model and just stretched it wide… it just doesn’t look right proportionally. Seems ol BioWare is having trouble with its more voluptuous options!
Also… side note… I get that they want to keep with the whole look and feel of the movies… but they need to ditch the 70s hair styles!! >)
Immersion’s really important if you’re planning to spend a bit of time in any MMO, Give us three heights, three widths and three levels of bulkyness and I’m sold
Of course a bit of face customisation wouldn’t hurt too ;P
PS. I’m kinda surprised, where are you Niv? :D
oh, that’s kinda my fault… forgot what day it was and didn’t have this posted until after her bedtime. >)
I don’t know when it was up, but judging from draco’s time stamp, I was awake and trying to get rid of a headache. That consisted of taking excedrine and taking my Mage through the couple bosses of lfr that I missed earlier to distract myself. Then my headache was gone and I crashed in bed 3am pacific (6am eastern).
On topic, I main a goat from space, realistic body types are not my concern.
Slightly off topic, my belf rogue has her hat mogged into an eyepatch with a skull on it.
lol, i really found funny how you wondered about the abscense of She-who-never-misses-a-post. I would have posted earlier but im lazy when it comes to writing, typing and everything.
Im sorry that you youhad a headache, but im glad that you recovered. happyface :)
Concerning costumisationi dont really care too much cause i hate having to choose about things, even the look of a character.
Then again when it comes to Star Wars d i think that the aliens species in that galaxy, though having strange faces and heads, have too human-like bodies, which sometimes contradicts their heads.
Also, completely off topic, i have had this question going around insided my head for a while: Gnoll plushie toy, sells or no sells? (it would totally sellif it had a vanity pet redemption code, but what about it selling without one?).
Oh, there are other posts I have missed, either because I forgot or because I don’t have anything interesting (by my own perception) to say.
Thanks for the well wishes, headaches and me are usually easy, either I dehydrated myself again, or its muscle related and meds knock it out.
Gnoll plushies would be adorable, but it has to come with a kobold candle holder. With a button to push that shouts, “YOU NO TAKE CANDLE!”
It might sell better if blizz made hogger instead of a generic gnoll, hogger has his own statistic.
Also, murloc aquarium decoration. Who wouldn’t want a murloc sitting in the tank with their fish?
Ooooh yeah! A murloc guarding the egg clutch. Gimme gimme!
see what happens Niv when you’re not the first to post?! disorder and mayhem!!!!!
though… I absolutely LOVE the idea of kobold candle holders and murloc fish tank ornaments!!! thinking I might have to sculpt a few! got some clay in the closet with my name on it… >)
hi its me druds the druid with my new name! ( hay i know its not as smooth but it works) i like type 2 body type (best for female charters) and its funny to have a fat jedi or sith!
howdy Druds!!! >D
what server did you end up on?
i also made my bounty hunter a cyborg with a cyber eye and made a scar on the eye of the cybereye!
the BH has become my favorite class! so I’ll either be on Saltybill or Coffinshaker
a little late on this, but turns out (at least so I’ve heard) that it could possibly destroy power transformers entirely, which would certainly extend the effect further. It’d also most likely take out satellites as well, which would be interesting.
ARGH! I HAD 2 WINDOWS OPEN. apply this to the previous comic.