Sorry folks… just no way around this one, you just cant!
Does bring an interesting point to mind when looking at SWTOR; lots of folks have lightsabers and they seem to hit people quite a bit… so… aren’t those things supposed to just slice through anything like butter? Like a 1 hit kill sort of thing? Ah well… guess you can pick nits about anything I suppose. Though, I do like that you will randomly block/deflect laser blasts like they do in the movies.
Now I guess this is where we can toss around debates about theoreticals and whatnot, but at its core, they’re still rooted in science fiction and thus, don’t really exist. Well… for now. Sure, there wasn’t as much work to connect lightsabers to real science like many other sci-fi series try to with their tech, since, you know, they just looked cool… But the thing is this; I like to believe that we as humans have an extensive ability to imagine and create, so there isn’t much we can’t do as long as we can dream. Just look at science, so much of it relies on creativity, thinking outside the box so to speak, and yes, there are no current physics to construct an actual lightsaber, that doesn’t mean the physics don’t exist. Just look at so much of the sci-fi tech we have now that was seen as total nonsense just a mere 50 years ago! Heck, they’re even working on tractor beams! TRACTOR BEAMS! We got a long way to go, but I don’t think there is a whole lot out there we can’t create… just gotta put in a little elbow grease and a whole lot of crazy science! So who knows, maybe someday our little lightsaber dohickies will be possible! Just keep on learning, experimenting, failing, and succeeding… and one day it’ll happen!
Oh right… btw, that’s Nith in his swtor sith form.
I think game mechanics HAVE to follow suspension of disbelief. Lightsabers should insta kill, but in a game setting that is too OP (remember when the hero class DKs were new?)
Lighting a dude on fire should kill it, trapping him entirely in ice should kill it, being hit by pure arcane energy internally, blasting his mind, melting faces, getting electrocuted, smashed in the face by any kind of weapon, stabbed in the back, shot with arrows with dynamite on it, regular arrows aimed well, eaten by a bear, being hit by lava. Those are all abilties from wow (I am uncertain about the face melt thing, it used to be a spriest or warlock thing if it was around. They still use that phrase anyway) so it’s not like old republic is alone on this.
I believe the term was face rolling… and yeah, spriests and locks had that ability. XD
but you’re right on, to make a game balanced, you have to tone down some of the abilities. unless it’s like hardcore mode COD MW where you get hit once and you’re dead.
Its the force. It explains everything in star wars. trust in the force!
psh, the shwartz is where it’s at!
I figure it probably has something to do with the armor the character wears. Some sort of energy field. And remember, it wasn’t actually explained in the movies that light sabers could cut through anything. I mean, the ones we saw in the movies could just have been really high level, epic light sabers, and they were cutting through really low level mobs!
that actually makes a lot of sense… there must be different power settings for the lightsabers and I think the tank type people in the game use shield generators so it all fits pretty nice when you think about it that way.
Future has limitless possibilities… but it only shows itself when people actually care about evolving rather than getting rich and fat.
Having potential and reaching that potential are 2 different things and sadly, in todays world, people tend to not care about it. If only people would work to improve and not just to get payed, we would’ve riding hover-bikes right now !
But that’s just bitter side of me talking. Trust in the Force !
soooooo basically the only technology we’re going to advance will be cellphones and facebook? sounds about right… XD
>soooooo basically the only technology we’re going to advance will be >cellphones and facebook? sounds about right… XD
yeah… I just died a little…
Take note that this is 3000 years before the movies the lightsaber technology probely changed
dang shoddy 3000 year old lightsabers! only as sharp as a butter knife… made of light… >)
well, the thing is lightsabers could only really exist if perhaps there’s some form of fiber optic cable band that extends from the base emitting a short range laser in all directions powerful enough to cut (nearly) anything it contacts. if the light is bright enough you couldnt see the cable, and the activation and deactivation would just be extending and retracting the cables. It’d also explain how 2 lightsabers could possibly collide and block each other. Otherwise you’d just have to explain it as “The Force”. Or maybe it some how manipulates air currents to some how turn the air at the end into a mirror? But that wouldn’t really explain how two lightsabers could collide…
ya know, just cause it’s called a “light”saber doesn’t necessarily mean it needs to be “made” of light. in terms we have now, a better equivalent would be a plasma sword that’s formed via some sort of field. in theory, if you could shape a strong enough magnetic field in the form of a sword and contain a superheated superconductive plasma (probably a form of mercury would work nicely with this since I think I read it can be superconductive at high temps), then your jolly old Uncle Bob will pay you a visit with your very own light saber!!
again… the tech for this is a long way off, but I don’t think it’s necessarily impossible to do. then again, maybe we’re aiming at a quest a few levels too high! why not make the vibroswords or something like the training lightsabers that have solid cores with some form of high temp energy as the blade? that seems like a more feasible goal given our current tech. though the main issue will be to micro scale it since you don’t want to carry around a power source as heavy as a truck to make it work. lol! >)
yeah, the collision thing would be kind of a pain to work around… unless a field contained plasma becomes solid enough to no pass through eachother, or the containment field itself becomes strong enough to repel an opposing field… though I’m sure the first tests with this will result in the fields just passing through eachother and cutting both testors in half. XD
plus the laser would melt the handle and it would take a battery the size of a expadition backpack to power it.
but the virboswrords you get at a low level could be a reality
also the idea metal vibrate and heat at super sonic speed speeds also possible (metal gear solid) like the “hot knife throu butter concept)
quite so! or the sonic progressive knives (glorified box cutters with a vibrator attached) from the Evangeline(sp?) series. not sure how well a vibrating metal would cut though… like, bonesaw physics, it wont cut skin but powers through bone or wood. not sure if it could cut metal, but in theory it could I suppose. toss in some heat or energy or whatever and it might be an effective weapon, especially against things with thick armor at close range.
a bit late, but I was scrolling back through some comics. It seems that, if nothing else, the lightsabers would be a bit on the loud side XD
I feel I must represent the super nerds and explain why lightsabers aren’t the be all end all. At this point in time, the mineral cortosis was used in all infantry armor. This mineral is brittle but can easily by lined into armor (like the samurai lined their armor with threaded metal to make it stronger). This cortosis lining was done not because the metal was strong, but because when a lightsaber impacts cortosis, it creates a feedback loop within the lightsaber’s power relay. This would cause the lightsaber to either almost shut off and lose most of its strength, or shut off completely when impacting the higher quality armor. This is due to safety measures built into the lightsaber to prevent it from overloading and exploding in the hand that wields it due to the ever building energy in the power relay. Both the sides used this armor as both sides fought lightsaber wielding force users so frequently. After the end of the Brotherhood approximately 1,070 years BBY, the Sith were thought to have been completely eliminated (in reality the Rule of Two remained, but no one knew that) so the Jedi rapidly had all use of cortosis stopped because the only purpose it could server would be against Jedi. Over the next thousand years, knowledge of cortosis use and weaving was destroyed by the Jedi and lost to all except the Chiss Ascendency and the Rule of Two. Cortosis was used as a cautionary measure in some of walss of the Emperor’s palaces but was not used again to any impact until the Reborn crisis.
P.S. The Swords used at the time of TOR were alloyed with cortosis which is why they were able to at least not fail completely against lightsabers.
EXCELLENT bit of StarWars lore there!! Think I might need to dig around some of the backstory myself…
ya know, I wonder… with such a rich history of lore and whatnot, why don’t they make some more movies set in these different eras?
I honestly have no idea. Maybe once Lucas dies whoever gets all the rights will decide to do just that because you know they won’t lose money on it even if its horrible.
Great bit of info there. And I agree a galaxy with such rich backstory needs the attention it deserves. The original ones will always be the classic ( not that Gungan crap ! ) but as you said, this rich background needs a series that would do them justice.
Hell I would love to see a Revan or Exar-Kun movie. Even Darth Bane.
yes, but it would probably be for the best to not include Khem in any of these movies… just saying…
also, second the Revans!
I would want Khem in a SWTOR movie. He’s way better than his Jedi Consular counterpart.
heh, movie khem might be interesting, though game khem is obnoxious… especially when he stands behind you when you’re trying to click stuff only to click him instead… which usually leads to him saying he’s going to eat your soul or something. so I guess movie khem would need to stand right in front of the camera at all times! XD
checked out your jedi side, if it’s Qyzen you’re talking bout… yeah, he seems smaller than khem which is a plus, but idk about traveling the universe with a sleestak…
this cartoon reminds me of an old comic-i think it was MAD-where they talked about the disadvantages of a double-ended lightsabre (like Darth Maul used).
the discussion reminds me of a Novel called “Shatterpoint” where someone was able to block a lightsabre with a metal shield made out of a superconducting material…the idea was that since it was superconducting it would SPREAD OUT the energy, so the sabre would essentially have to heat the entire shield red-hot to actually damage it.
they also said that warships used to have outer hulls made out of that stuff-until Shields were invented.
DE up top did a nice write up on some lore, specifically that material you mentioned, Cortosis. pretty cool stuff… man, they really need to make some movies with this older lore stuff in em!
Actually, as I understand it the word “Lightsaber” is misleading in-universe.
I think they explained somewhere that it’s a tube of plasma in a containment field, which makes it far more feasible to actually construct.
And they actually could make lightsabers instant-kill, as long as they make everything else that’s also meant to be instant kill be so.
When everything is Overpowered, nothing is. :D
lol, good point!
it will be a wonderous day indeed when we are able to actually construct a real working lightsaber! and I will lead the sith army to victor… oh, uh… I mean… good for science and stuff…. that’s it…