Little known fact; before Vader was made a Darth, he had a few previous jobs… >)
So, this week’s poll is about how one pronounces the “SWTOR”. WoW is pretty easy, so is LOTRO, or even KOTOR… but SWTOR?! Personally, I’m favoring the “swortor”, yeah, I’m adding a few more vowels, but it just flows better. So what says you, good internets?
I used to just say the old republic, but now I am definitely calling it sweater.
XD you can thank my buddy for that one.
Sw-tor, but when you use a language allowing up to four-consonant clusters on a daily basis you can pronunce Chalmecacihuatla backwards at 4AM on a hangover..
I like the idea of Vader’s life support as just a sophisticated bling-bling, dawg
yeah, I think my brain just hemorrhaged just looking at that word…
lol, I drew him once with it and it sort of stuck… now I can’t imagine him without his little flavaflav bling. >)
Bullpies, that far not messed up enough. Let me give you guys some hungarian words to chew on. Try moszkvics slusszkulcs. >:) Or megszentségteleníthetetlenségeskedéseitekért. >:D
Annnd messing up the grammar in my very first comment on a site. Again:( I always do that, dammit T-T
Yup, I know something about it, Zat, I’m using Polish every day.. and am not afraid to use it!
sounds like an excellent t-shirt in the making, Draco!
I kinda switch between saying Star Wars, and Old Republic (No need for “The”). I use Old Republic specifically for those who already know about the game, and Star Wars universally.
The neat thing though, is you really don’t have to say the abbreviations for Star Wars. Unlike World of Warcraft, which is a slight tongue twister in my opinion compared to “WoW”, Star Wars just rolls of the tongue so easily, certainly compared to “Swtor”.
it does have a nice ring to it… and when you say “I play star wars”, I think people (who play mmos) will get your meaning. though “Old Republic” kinda makes me think of “Old Spice” deodorant… >D
Football FTW!!!!!
i pronounce it “swub-tor”, you know, because “sw” sounds like that, though i rather not use abreviations, i mean, english is pretty simple as it is! Why making it even shorter?!?!?
I always thought the radio on Vader chest was used to play the teletubbies song when no one was looking and that his “heavy breathing” was actually the suits in-toilet activating: “Luke, (heavy breathing) i am (heavy breathing) your ( extremely prolonged heavy breathing) father!”
heh, I like that too! swub-tor!
XD yeah, I always imagined it was something like a computer thingy similar to Dr.Theo, the bling Twiki wore in Buck Rogers. then again, a radio would make sense… how else is he playing that wicked theme song when he enters a room?
I prefer TOR but for those who don’t get it, have to go with SWTOR…
And in more ”elegant” places , I call it ”The Old Republic” because lets face it , sounds awesome that way.
And yes, THIS is Football…not that Egg-ball Americans carry :P
“how bout a jolly match of the old republics my good sir”
yes, it does have a nice ring. >)
I always pronounced it SWAHTOR. Just makes more sense to me