Now presenting for your introspection a serialized comic-gram of humorous intent! In quite brilliant Technocolor no less! My good fellows.
Did this one in color… told y’all I went wild there with working! Anyways, I figure I’ll work Dodgers in here when I get them so hope you guys enjoy his insanity. Dunno if I’ll keep em color or not, but to see the difference, here’s the b&w version…
I would say I prefer the color though its not that big of a deal since either is good. Though, I thought that part of the point of the Dodger comics was to post when you didn’t have time for a regular, as your friend wrote it and the black and whites were faster to draw. With that said I like that you still managed to put something up, but I wouldn’t want you to think “oh jeez now I gotta do them in color but I don’t have time what am I going to do aaaahhhh!”. So, whatever I guess?
I suppose what I am saying is that its kind of an awkward question, as I don’t feel like I really have any right to make demands of a nice guy who makes comics for our entertainment and then gives them to us for free. As long as you are still doing your thing, I’ll be happy. :)
lol, you guys are too kind to me. >) I think there will most likely be another B/W Dodger this week (fri) and another (un-named comic) page for wed… I still haven’t shaken this cold, but come hell or highwater I’ll have a what’s shakin done. >P~~
(ps… that’s my face with snot coming out)
Requesting color version of face with snot coming out WAIT DO NOT DO THIS JUST KIDDING! lol
Black and white is fine unless color adds something to the comic. Due to the colorful nature of those games, I think it fits here. Even then, it’s a small point and not something I’d consider worth stressing about.
true that. I think Super Dodger World really needed to be colorized like you said.
I like the colorlesa version i feel
it sets dofers persona quite nicely
yeah, it does have a certain quality to it that suits him.
black and white looks classy, and thats what Dodger is :P
quite so I do say… quite so