Heh, yeah… not even close!
It’s kinda like Cottonelle toilet paper saying it leaves no crumbles on your bum; that whole “fair and balanced” jazz is just false advertising.
(In other news… I’m feeling much better! Finally dragged my butt to the doc and they’re patchin me up with the good stuff. So I’ll be back in full force soon!)
At the risk of sounding like too much of an old man, I’m a pretty big NPR fan. I listen to it alot while driving. It’s probably the most straightforward unbiased news out there, they have interesting stories, and tend to shy away from the no-content big headline stories that are just there to get your attention. Also, BBC news is pretty good, though it can be rather dry.
bet you hate kids playing on your yard too! heh, kidding! I like NPR too. though I really like getting most of my news from BBC. sigh, kinda wished they wrote all their stuff in a thicker accent, my good fellow.
I typically watch local news or international news, those two contain the least bias and tell you more of what actually happened and less of what they think about what happened. That, and my local news anchors at the times I watch are pretty hilarious.
Sometimes I watch good morning america, but usually hate myself for it; too much stuff about the nonsense celebrities get up to which should not be considered news. Seriously, there are presidential elections on the horizon, plus tons of other things going on of importance, who seriously gives a rat’s ass about what the kardashians are doing?
Also, watching the five on fox can be fun if you’re in the mood to giggle at stupid people. They argue some good points sometimes, but in a really stupid way and fixate on details that are fairly irrelevant.
heh, that’s what drives me crazy about the news. too much junk about what color the celebraties’ boogers are and not enough about anything else. my most hated thing is Fox’s “breaking news” that pops up with world ending animations and super important music… and NONE of it ever is serious. well, maybe once or twice, but it’s like that whole “crying wolf” thing. heck, we could be invaded by martians and they’d play the same intro as when snookie takes a dump.
I was watching the local news for a while until I saw nothing ”good” on it. The ”news” become a ‘Lets follow the Celebs and advertise false info for money ‘ so fast, I stopped watching them fully. I do look around for ‘Independent’ news , instead of Biased journalism of today. Sadly, you can never know the real side of a story by just looking at the news anymore.
I am still wondering when the News fall down from ”Lets enlighten people about the important events ! ” to ” Gets get more ratings for our channel ! ” ……
I was watching the local news for a while until I saw nothing ”good” on it. The ”news” become a ‘Lets follow the Celebs and advertise false info for money ‘ so fast, I stopped watching them fully. I do look around for ‘Independent’ news , instead of Biased journalism of today. Sadly, you can never know the real side of a story by just looking at the news anymore.
I am still wondering when the News fall down from ”Lets enlighten people about the important events ! ” to ” Lets get more ratings for our channel ! ” ……
lol, I think the worst is when Fox “news” has guests on to talk about whatever subject; they just turn it into a shooting gallery and twist everything the people say around… it’s just like jerry springer but with less chair throwing.
I am happy not knowing what horrible travesty’s are going on outside my safe house. I keep up with gaming, and some science news, and nothing else
as far as I’m concerned, everything is going fine out there… all rainbows and unicorns…
One thing: I love that fox
I guess every country has one.. or two.. or tens of them tucked into every possible crevice
hehe, ty!! >D
some stations are actually pretty good… but i find they’re mostly just local news or like the cable station’s news show
I used to try to get a varied input of news by comparing aspects from different sources; but for the past few years, I’ve more or less stopped following the news.
The reason is simple - regardless of which politics/life philosophy/religion one might follow, there is one incredibly simple truth to understand: If we all cooperate we can achieve paradise for everyone here on earth with very little effort. (No, really - this aint some “hippie bulls*t”; we actually do have the resources and technology for it, we just simply choose not to)
I wake up each morning hoping that the people have come to their senses, stopped being morons and started acting towards a better society; yet each time I do read/watch news, I get my hopes shattered - we’re not even remotely close to reaching world peace. Each day people die for no real reason other than “I kill people because I can” or “If we destroy our excess production, we keep the prices up. If some folks starve to death due to this, it’s not our fault”.
In short, following the news makes me so depressed that I cannot bring myself to continue reading. And don’t get me wrong, I’m not trying to achieve blissful ignorance; I know the outline of what is going on in the world perfectly well, I just simply do not wish to know the details (unless the details contains “world peace”, “poverty abolished”, “mankind fully enlightened” or similar).
p.s. Good to hear that you’re recovering!
“The reason is simple – regardless of which politics/life philosophy/religion one might follow, there is one incredibly simple truth to understand: If we all cooperate we can achieve paradise for everyone here on earth with very little effort. (No, really – this aint some “hippie bulls*t”; we actually do have the resources and technology for it, we just simply choose not to)”
The only way to do anything like that is if everyone on earth was selfless and saintly. Just like communism, whatever plan you have for creating global paradise will fail because most everyone certainly isn’t selfless and saintly. Yes, it would be great if everyone on the planet would cooperate and be nice and be friendly, but it’s never going to happen.
I both agree and disagree. Even though I wish that everyone became enlightened and realized that the best way to win life is to choose altruism; I’m not naïve enough to believe in that it will ever happen during my lifetime (doing a linear extrapolation from the social history we have collected so far, we have somewhere between 5k to 10k years left before it will happen spontaneously). What I meant with the part you quoted is that it is a universal truth which everybody can work for, regardless of background. The only excuse for not working together is ignorance and greed (both which can be “cured”), all other excuses are only crap people uses to justify their reasons to not change bad habits. From an abstract perspective, society is not much more than a large scale prisoner’s dilemma in which most players chose the smaller short term payout (which is faster to obtain) instead of cooperating for the massive payout.
The good part, however, is that we do not need 100% enlightenment in order to change society - we have enough technology, resources and altruistic people in order to do it with our current system; we just need to do some “minor” changes. This is not a complete list, but some of the most important aspects are that:
We need to change the laws to enforce equal rights for everyone (for really real and not just on paper).
We need to spend more money on education with focus on that people need to learn to think for themselves (currently, the vast bulk of people choose to let others think for them, which is one of the reasons to why we keep electing morons instead of those who actually can run a country).
We need to make sure that life is valued more than inanimate products - an item can be replaced, a life cannot.
We need to make sure that healthcare is prioritized and available for anyone, not only for those privileged.
We need to remove compound interest - infinite growth is not possible with finite resources.
I will never live in a perfect society, but hopefully my actions and ideas will help spread the seeds needed so that a change will come sooner rather than later. It is not a matter of ‘if’ society will change - change will come, it’s only a matter about ‘when’.
wow, very nice write up there!
well, all i have to say is that I like the idea of people working together and stuff, but unfortunately people, in general, are asshats. except in times of crisis, cause it seems like they do come together pretty nicely to help out… well… if they’re done looting that is.
anyways, I forget who said it, think it was Plato, but his idea of the perfect government was run by the most knowledgeable people who were the most passive or sane. basically, your all around good peeps. sadly, they don’t get very far in the political realm so we’re stuck with, you guessed it, the asshats. (it’s the word of the day)
the internet to talk to people where the news is, and cnn
I guess if you have to go the syndication route, cnn isn’t totally bad, though it seems like there’s plenty of info online to get a good idea about whats going on.