It’s funny how throughout time and history, great minds are ridiculed and looked upon with great disdain only to be regarded as pillars of science years after their time. Well, lets look at some modern day philosophers that I think don’t get enough credit, not for any discovery or scientific break through, but for asking the right question too all the things things we take for granted. And that question… How do they work?!
Sure, we can laugh off the Insane Clown Posse as making just another lame song and dance that outlines pure stupidity, OR we can look at their videogram critically and realize that it was a clear plea for us to never settle for the standard textbook definitions of the world around us, bleached and spoon fed in the most laundered version possible, and ask, at the very most basic level, how the heck does it work!
Now lets look at one of their more famous postulations, “Magnets, how do they work?” Sounds simple enough at the surface, but once we dissect this question, it becomes a much more complicated task than expected. At first glance, one might be tempted to give the textbook answer that it is an attraction or repulsion between two permanent magnets via their generated magnetic fields. Right, A+ on your paper, time to move on… But wait! That never answered the question. That’s just an observation, not an explanation. Alight, so where do these magnetic fields come from? Well, the classical model of this is that the electrons get polarized with their spins, thus creating an electromagnetic field. Ok, getting somewhere! Now, what’s that field made of? Well, that gets tricky, but the current theory is that the fields are much like clouds of probabilities where virtual particles blip in and out of existence. Every field (ie. force) has an associated particle, electromagnetic gets the common household photon. So if you can imagine, these fields have a sort of flow to them, and so when they’re moving in the same direction (such as out of the N end) they would repel, like a jet of water pushing against another jet of water, and you get the opposite to make them attract. Well, less like a stream because it’s more chaotic than that, but you get the idea. There, we’re done! All is explained! But wait, there’s more! Because all we’ve done is regurgitate some theories about the mechanics, but nothing has been explained about what that “force” is. And that’s where we hit the wall. See, we can visualize the interactions, guess at how these particles are bouncing around and playing nice, but at the end of the day, nothing we have in our current physics explains WHY any of these fundamental forces interact. Field theory says the fields are made up all these little happy particles just moving about and interacting to do all those fun things they’re supposed to be doing… but… why? What causes more stuff to generate more gravitational force? Where does mass come from (will, Higgs, but we’re still testing that). Why doe subatomic particles “stick” together? And what is this “force” made of and how does it work? That’s the last bit of the puzzle, that force, and despite any amount of science we have done, it’s still a bit of a mystery… Force, energy, ether, whatever you want to call it still has some time ahead of it before we get even a hazy understanding of its mechanic, but give it some time, and maybe if we keep asking the right questions, we’ll finally figure out why!
Screw webcomic comments, how do they work?
When in doubt, blame aliens.
As a side note, I chuckled to see what’s shakin’ in the comic ad on the left.
no no no… you always blame hunters and their pets! they ruin everything!
lol, I kinda wished they wouldn’t advertise my sites on my own sites. XD
I’ve got the same questions about why there can never be 100% alcohol (hey, that one bothered me since it was asked on a chemistry lesson ;P Honest!) as when it reaches a certain concentration point some of it changes into water. If we were to pump out the water, more would come to even it all out. Do the particles count themselves or change gender when they haven’t seen a sexy H2O for a while? Or is it something else, baffled by how scientists think they know what they’re doing..? Creepy stuff.. Kudoz for bringing that one up, Coff!
Problem is how you separate the water… every known way of filtration to “ultra high” is an osmosis pump. Assume a barrier through which you filter Ethanol… ethanol molecules are large and none makes it through filter… water malecules are small and pass through… however if they can pass out they can pass in. And statisticaly there will always be some that will make it back…
you would have to completly isolate some amount of ethanol and completly teleport water molecules away remotly to purify it… undoable. Particles do not count themselves, it is really only statistic… if you have vast majority of particles out of the system random process would be highly in favour of them getting into system.
To some extend you can influence the process expending energy. “pumping”
what if the membrane was elevated above the reservoir of water so that gravity could stop the water from reentering?
depends on the alcohol you’re talking about… but I guess in terms of the drinking kind, it’s pretty hard cause of the way it mixes with water and that the only way to separate is through distillation, which you could probably get it whittled down pretty close, but it’ll most likely always contain some percentage of water. I guess there could be super fancy ways to make a pure type, but man, who would want that? one drop and you’d be toasted.
as for rubbing, idk… that stuff is either isopropyl or ethanol and acetate… none of which I’d like putting a full strength on to my skin. there’s probably some kind of binding reason why it needs that bit of impurity, could be wrong, but I’m sure there’s some kind of reason, either of economy, ability, or practicality for it not being 100%.
(edit… ok, they DO sell 100% isopropyl, though it’s fairly expensive for what you get… not sure why you’d need it that pure though)
Well to put it bluntly… there is no point in asking “Why” charge exist. Perhaps someone will eventualy create some model about when universe can to be which will explain that… but that is too far away at this stage.
Simply put… positive and negative charge attract each other via “photonic field”, How? General consensus is that trend of the universe is to reach state with least possible energy density. Two charges canceling each other out while only converting one energy into another simply radiate it away in term of localized photons. Effectively harvesting the field.
there is still hypothesis that and electricaly uncharged antimatter(antiatoms consistent of antiprotons, antineutrons (neutrons but from antiquarks) and positrons) would be graviticaly repeled from normal matter (to test it we would need bigger object from low energetic noncharged antimatter… impossible to produce on Earth in current tech for sufficient time.) that would generaly make “mass” and “antimass” charge too… we would have to bother with negative energy but that is hardly a problem. (general relativity is fine with that and repulsive form of gravity… plus it would help fix cosmological models of galaxies a lot) And it would also mean gravity waves exist… which in term would be a step for “warp drives” (since if it exist it can be created) or “mass effect drives” - governng principe of FTL is same (“Alcubierre drive”)
there are still some gremlins in physics engine… f.e. the current thing about FTL neutrinos is a bit bogus- the error “in cable” is problematic… very few people with which I have spoken on faculty (I study optical physics) believes such error can actualy occur and be stable for a year.
General relativity does have FTL solutions, so while they indeed need to be verified, it should not be immediately discarded.
no point? I respectfully disagree. the point is that, well, because! let me quote for you a line from an ancient bard, “we do what we must, because we can”. meaning, just because there’s no real point to it, it doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try. sometimes learning and understanding just for the sake of it is good reason enough… if all that made sense.
you know, that model always interested me when you toss in the whole antimatter thing… like, would anti-electrons “positrons” create a field similar to that of electromagnetic fields? effectively, they would, in theory, since it’s basically a mirror image of matter with opposite charges… and how would the collision of the two fields effect one another? annihilation, additive, what? anyways, seems like a worthy line of testing.
ha, but you’re right though… man, it would take decades at LEAST to produce enough to make just one tiny tiny test. good times… guess we need to come up with a better way of manufacturing them, especially if I’m to get my positron torpedoes like in swtor!
man, physics is so much fun! so much ground yet to explore! maybe one day we’ll get there, but for now we’ll keep banging sticks at the ground until we learn something. I guess the moral of the story is to give it time.
do hope they get FTL and warp stuff at some point soon, cause I would love to zip around the universe in my tiberian junker!
If they had any deep meaning to their song, it wasn’t on their own genius but coincidental. The major one is that they screwed up on the definition of the word miracle “A surprising and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is considered to be divine”. We should keep looking, even if we are completely sure that never in our lives, or the lives of whatever is still alive trillions of years in the future. It’s not going to happen. We should still try to find it out. How physics exist is probably not going to be a question we are in reach of answering for a long time. We should not simply answer it is unreachable and give a “easy” explanation such as miracles. I believe their video, rather then inspiring people to question the basics of physics, they inspire people to call it unexplainable “miracle” and go with it.
heh, I know… I was being a bit of a maniac there trying to tie them into all this. the video is pretty darn bad actually, though I think SNL has the best parody of it EVER!
It is the journey that matters , not the answers….although some good loot along the way would help too …
HAHAHAHA!!! that needs to be on a motivational poster or something!!
the problem is that EVENTUALLY you have to say “because it does.”
it’s kind of like how all math rises from some 8 or so axioms that are true just because they are.
For instance, try to answer what energy is made of. the answer is: energy
ah… kinda like hotdogs…
true, it’s ok to just accept things that work because they do, but for people like me it’s just maddening! dunno why, but I just don’t like things that are not explainable with anything more than “because”.
well my point is eventually you get stuck at that point :/ I do feel we’re stilll a good distance away, but I look at it like this: with string theory, we decided everything was made of strings, and (if the higgs boson is real), those strings are made of bundled up energy, then you ask what is the energy made of, and you’re stuck! Kind of like trying to find out what happened before the beginning of the universe. If there’s no multiverse, the answer is just…nothing, and there’s hardly even anyway to prove it…if there is a multiverse, we may get an explanation about the universe, but then the same question appears for where the multiverse came from and how it started.
an interesting question i like to ask my friends is where they believe matter and energy came from. because either it existed forever, or at some point in time (or out of time…oh god…) matter and energy just spontaneously came into existence.
or maybe the entire universe is a MASSIVE matter-antimatter pair created by a larger scale form of Heisenberg Uncertainty in whatever lies beyond the universe, if anything which is just waiting to annihilate with a nearby anti universe. Which would be crazy.
Also as long as I’m talking about both physics and the end of the universe, did you know there are some theories that nucleic matter isn’t entirely stable? not in a nuclear fission sort of way, in a way such that the protons and neutrons themselves decay into strange matter (ie. baryons and mesons including strange matters, in a manner that would chain react similar to the way uranium does (needs an input particle, releases multiple input particles) and the reaction can begin spontaneously? If this is true true it’s thought that this happens in neutron stars, and they become a soup of quarks. Interesting stuff. If it happened on earth supposedly it would just become a hot lifeless ball, and apparently it would eventually consume all matter in the universe o.o and the reason it hasn’t happened yet is that the lifetime of nuclei (or I guess the nucleons) is >14bya
*not strange matters, strange quarks.
bah… still not a fan of the string theory… kinda hoping that’s not the right one, cause then I’m giving up and finding a new universe! >)
man, you got some whole can of worms opening up right there! I got lots of great theories going on in my head atm about this very subject; ya know, the whole multiverse and whatnot. I’ve said a few of em before, though I haven’t totally ironed em all out. I still like a more fluid universe with my “time is a field” sort of thing where matter and time can be shared, just varies by observation, thus making the multiverse viable and removes that whole grandfather paradox I hate. still just something I’m toying with, but I like it so far. less obnoxious than strings. XD
wow! that’s a whole stew of craziness! I’m going to have to read up on all that! I tell ya guys, quantum is where the fun is!
man, I really need to look into forums again cause I’d love to keep some of these physics discussions going!
In terms of grandfather paradox I think that it wouldn’t be possible to time travel the way it’s shown in movies. I think that time is a dimension, where all time simultaneously exists (like a flipbook) and that the only way to change time would be to reach back and move particles…you could think of every particle in the universe as a long 2 dimensional object stretching out through all of time, at a given time period only at one point (or i guess a probability field of points). Trying to move particles in the past killing your grandfather would result in you in the future behind unable to move the particles, the end effect being something like sitting alone on a seesaw, and trying to make your end go up by pulling upwards on the seat. Or this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAY3r4nZcc4
*being. I think faster than I type sometimes X_X
Dude, I have so much to say about this but I won’t right now because I’m being yanked…
I um… I’m just going to assume your meaning of that word is a lot different than mine…
Well, I’ll give you some credit; you’ve actually made that line an intelligent one. However, the very next one of not wanting to talk to a scientist because they’re liars takes that and punches it in the face. To me, that screams “Ignorance is bliss”, and discredits all the hard work we as a species put in to learn about our universe.
And, if I could get an ICP fan to verify, has their style really changed that much since 2002? That was the last time I really listened to them, and it wasn’t this…THIS.
ha, yes… they kinda ruined my stretch of an interpretation with that didn’t they…
I have often thought that the limiting factor in describing cutting-edge physics isn’t the models the physicists use, but the ‘everyday’ language we use to visualize it.
For example, mention String theory and most people will visualize some sort of twitching string of light, even though we consciously know that strings are many, many orders of magnitude smaller that a single photon.
this is very true! I have 1 word for snow and them northern Eskimo type folks have what, hundreds? if they tried to explain the current climate, I’d either be very confused or respond, “oh, so it’s snowing”, which would undermine what it actually was. so you’re right, as we progress, our ability to describe and vocabularize (ITS A WORD NOW!) processes and events of physics will expand and give us a better ability to render what’s happening.
BTW, is the musical ICP the same people as the pro-wrestling ICP?
ya know, I’m really not sure! >\
A few months late (I started my archive trip yesterday) but yes. ICP wrestled in the early 90′s for WCW and just before the WWF/WCW war for WWF. They quit because they felt like Jobbers for their whole career there and started JCW not long after The Amazing Jeckal Brothers dropped in 99′
I’m still bitter that they made them change it from WWF to whatever it is now… stupid wildlife…