Here’s the deal folks, nothing sends me into fits of nerdrage more than seeing all these “all natural sea sponges” for sale all over the place; especially if they claim to be better than their synthetic counterparts. Sure, they might be more environmentally friendly, sure they don’t contain plastics which are both a drain on our petroleum needs as well as potential hazards to human health… But the thing is this, whenever I see them, all I can think of is someone just scrubbing themselves clean with a little furry animal, like a squirrel. Cause that’s what that is! Sea Sponges are animals! Might not be as luxurious as you or me, but an animal none the less! If you have to use something, go the Luffa route, since those are made from gourds, but please, leave my little critter friends alone! Use squirrels instead!
More of a plant, but its an animal becase when water goes throue the holes it eats microscopic food. The real question is………
Where do they get it?
A spong farm?
No, they employ divers to bring them up from the shallower parts of the bottom. Not in suits, but just as God made them, save for a 10something kg stone tied to them to arrive to the bottom before their lungs burst. All this so people can get stuff to rub into their skin. We’re talking about a whole new level of loco here.
I never understood why people feel the need for those damn sponges. I mean what the hell your hands are for people? And also, rags do just fine for cleaning up. Genocide for meaningless comfort, that’s what this is.
seriously! they could just as easily get the same results with using a washcloth. and they’re rewashable too! bleh!
Usually just rubbing a bar of soap everywhere then rinsing it off, but occasionally I use a luffa with some scented skin soap/lotion stuff afterwords if I want to smell nicer than just clean (gogo dial barsoap) or if I can feel my dead skin. I get pretty OCD about feeling dead skin, if somebody were to watch me for long enough, they would see me use a stiff edge (like a gift card type object) or my nails and just SCRAPE across my lips, I feel dead skin there the worst. Of course now I am actively thinking about my lips and I can’t stop scratching.
bah, too much work! I just use irish spring for everything! makes your hair look all nice too! >)
meh, nothing wrong with a little ocd… then again, I bite my nails… XD
Scrapy scrapy scrapity scrap. Anakin could live without it, so can I!
Something’s wrong with my rig, that’s the 6th time I try to post ;D
but little orphan anny could just use the force to wash up!
I use one of those plastic bally things, and have a scrubby towel-like thing for my back. (And a pumice scrubber thing for my feet.) Alas, I am not as environmentally friendly with the plastics, but they’re cheap and I have to have something to scrub with; I never feel clean if I just use my hands, or even if I just use a washcloth. Face excepted- I use a washcloth for my face.
meh, could be worse I guess… don’t have a problem with plastics… I just assume a million years from now, the landfills will compress under layers of dust and debris and turn into something awesome… like warp drive fuel! >D
A squirrel scrubber eh? Don’t mind if I steal that patent, do you? I use several different “ball” thingies to clean myself personally.
lol, go ahead! you can even have different kinds… like chipmunk scrubbers! >D
I use a water-pressure-machine, personally.
ah, hosed off in the back yard method eh? >)
All those plastic and cotton bath scrubbers are even worse for the environment. Now the Luffa is something else. It is actually the skeleton of a gourd.
So farmers can grow those things and not put such a strain on the environment plus no animals would be harmed in the process and no lives put at risk. IIRC it came originally from southern africa but then again I might be wrong about that [no I didn't use googlefoo]
yup! asia and africa! good call!
I guess if you need to scrub with something, the luffa would have the least environmental impact… next to squirrels of course.