Well, I for one welcome our new ______ overlords!
So the CDC (Center For Disease Control) released another community bulletin about how to deal with the problems facing us today, like zombies or giant global disasters. This time is the topic of dealing with space invaders! Now, some might say it’s a bit unusual or just a waste of time for our governmental bodies to be making procedures for epidemics localized only to your favorite “B”-movie, but I disagree! Having preparedness for anything and everything is essential to the future survival of the Human race. Now I’m not talking about stocking up on a 10 year supply of baked beans and tin foil hats that you keep in your nuclear bunker you made in your closet… No, I’m talking about sets of helpful tips for the general public to access before, during, and after any kind of threatening event. It’s good to know what to do so that you can calmly and collectedly deal with any situation without panicking and possibly causing even more problems. I know those pre-flight tutorials we all hate sitting through are redundant at best, but I bet that any one of you can tell me the proper process should there be a sudden loss of cabin pressure!! Stuff like that seems second nature to us, and it should! In that instance you would know how to keep safe.
So when we start rolling through some of the less probable events, they seem trivial or just laughable to us, but that doesn’t make them any less dangerous. Now, I said “probable” for a reason. We don’t know if we are alone in the universe, but depending on how you look at the Drake equation, we could be in a world of hurt if we are not prepared for meeting up with an extra-terrestrial species. My only concern here with this report from the CDC as opposed to the zombie invasion one, is that it seems less serious than the previously mentioned. It basically tells us to just roll over and let them have at it, and on the surface, that’s just bad advice.
Here’s the issue here, supposing we meet up with some alien race in the near future, the general public will completely lose their minds! Without some sort of unified plan, I’m sure the majority of us would reach for our shotguns and start wildly firing into the air. Lord help us if there’s a sci-fi con happening at the same time… poor poor cosplayers… but they knew the risks. Anyways, surely there would be an excess of panic. I’d say the best procedure would be to stay indoors, watch the news, and to make sure everybody knows to stay calm and not act out. It could be a whole diplomatic mess if people started getting involved. On the other hand, it’s also not a bad idea for people to know how to properly defend themselves and survive without provisions. It would also probably align well with how to deal with modern day wartime invasionary procedures, like readiness for biological, radioactive, or chemical attacks; though the biggest threat would be via biological and that’s where the CDC can really shine.
But you know, maybe there is something to the whimsical nature of the CDC’s response to this issue, in that when faced with a threat from an alien species, throwing in the towel is probably the best and only option given our current state of technology. Yeah, we’ve come a long way from throwing twigs, rocks, and other more primitive biological weapons, but if we’re up against a race that has the technology to close the gaps between stars, well, we’re pretty screwed. I’m sure a few of us could survive much of anything, but I think Michio Ikaku said it best when talking about fighting aliens, “it’s not like most would think, a David vs Goliath situation like in the movies, rather it would be Bambi vs Godzilla” ~paraphrased. This disparity between technology would most likely be absolutely immense and any attempt to rebel directly would most definitely end poorly. Though I did see a program that made a very interesting point, if we were faced with such an encounter then guerrilla tactics would be the best. That is to say, it’s not a mission to win the war through brute force, rather win by default by making it nearly impossible for the other side to make any progress. As in, be a pain in the butt as much as possible so it just because so uneconomically feasible that they just give up. So… that’s my plan! Punking aliens until they leave. >)
Source: CDC
I have not seen teen titans in YEARS! I would love your imput on this… Why was it so awsome plz explain should i watch again your opinion has not failed me yet.!!!
P.S. Thanks to you im a major dr.who fan and a brony
Also what was the best/worst season? If i watch again where shoudl i start…. If i watch what mindset should i have (i feel i took it too serusly).
well, think of it as a highly stylized version of your favorite sidekicks as teenagers… it’s definitely a comedy so you have to put your head into it that way. and it has a lot of japanese anime influence. but here’s the thing, people got all up in arms about it because of the anime crossoverness, like going super deformed for extra emphasis or general facial expressions, etc… but for someone who’s not a hardcore oldschooler, I don’t get bothered by it at all. at the time, it was a very refreshing show and an absolute shame that it had an early retirement.
it might not be for everybody, but it’s definitely worth a checking out!
actually, I think you could just jump right in from the start, it was pretty solid throughout, though I think the later episodes had some darker undertones as they were trying to gear up for some heavy storymode that was never really given much of a chance to fully blossom.
but anyways, give er a go, I have fond memories of the series so hopefully you’ll like it. >)
Totes for marrying the hot space princess.
hey Don!!! long time no see bud!
and yeah, I figure we just breed with their women and eventually our differences will subside. well, that’s what Kirk taught me anyways… XD
The poll says about their ATTACK, so..
as much as I’d like the guerilla tactic, I doubt we’d have any chances of survival if we didn’t use nukes. After all, we will (?) just destroy their soldiers, while they attack our civilians. Negotiations can come afterwards (I can’t believe I’m writing this!)
Hiding at home.. shooting a sitting duck on a totally new level!
I’d assume they’d have an array of ways to neutralize nukes without it threatening them. Odds are an invasion from a civilization on that scale would be fully robotic, with perhaps a handful of actual lifeforms on the ship overseeing the process (So the radiation doesn’t even harm them). There isn’t a single piece of conventional warfare to help us in that situation…Mankind will have to get creative :D and steal their stuff.
naw, humanity will still exist even if the earth and sun explode simoultaneously, for people seems to number in the trillions, nowadays.
Me? I say we go and become super reclusive and single minded and tell everyone the invaders are inferior to us for not being human, along with lots of other stupid propaganda, but that just me, anyway.
idk, they managed just fine in Independence Day using a computer virus… XD
well, I’d assume they’d have some sort of force field or ability to bend space so nuking em wouldn’t be much good… and I’d doubt they’d have any kind of technology less than that of antimatter weapons, which, again means we’re kinda screwed. >\
lol, leave it to Silly to mount an all out preemptive offensive against everything in the universe! not that I’m saying I don’t agree mind you. XD
Coffin remember everything in our world is finite (and world is infinite :D )
Force Shields need have limit how many energy it can take before its break. Try survive 150 megaton on pointblank distance :)
If they dont use they WMD we can made some casualties to they forces or at last destroy earth making invasion pointless (“if we cant have it, nobody will have!!”)
true… though I’d argue that we are trying to describe a scenario in our own terms and definitions… which is like someone 2000 yrs ago trying to describe a cell phone. meaning, if someone has the tech to travel between stars, then they have some crazy amounts of advances, including what I would assume would be something that could manipulate space… and doing that, you could potentially make some sort of barrier that could just repel ordinary matter. idk… just tossing out some ideas here, but it seems easy enough if you had the right tech. >)
“i, for one, welcome our new overlords”? Oh, its true i forgot your one of the undead forsaken, lol!
It kind of sounds like that mouse-like race from doctor who, the ones whose anthem is “all hail (insert current ruling body here)”
yeah, I don’t remember what those guys were called… like their entire race was happy to be enslaved and would have celebrations when an invader came.
Well lets put some faith into XCOM program…
wow! you need to give me a heads up before you time warp me to the 90s! XD
Well they are dooing a remake (slightly shifted in time :D) of original Xcom: Ufo Defence (or somewhere known as UFO: Enemy unknown)
cool! wonder who’s doing it… I’d pitch Bethesda… they have some good history of turning old top down games into masterpieces!
http://www.xcom.com/enemyunknown/index.php looks rather good :D
Where is my Lightsaber when I need one…
Just give me a trusted Wookie companion and I will be fine.
hmm, I know this really hairy guy down at the pizza shop… will that work?
I was gonna write something, but how does one explain sheer panic? Probably would cry under a desk untill shit got sorted out… :P
or make a sofa cushion fort if you don’t have a desk!
Nuke em. If I can’t have my own planet without being destroyed or enslaved, I’m certainly not letting some alien have the planet before I turn the planet into a nuclear wasteland and take out as many of the aliens as possible first.
or build large thrusters to propel the planet into the sun!
Thats…..one solution…
“or build large thrusters to propel the planet into the sun!”
If I could do it (lol) and take out more aliens than nuclear release, I’ll press the button myself.
heh, or somehow make a wormhole into the sun like in stargate, we could just blow up our own sun… that’d take out everything!
I’d just kill all the invaders with MAC rounds, then wipe out their worlds by firing Installation 04 from orbit (Fact of the day: Halo power can be reduced to wipe out life in a much smaller redius than 25,000 lightyears [i.e; a planet or solar system]).
Or maybe just enter a tentative truce with our old enemies to destroy the new mutual threat!
I really think it’s worth investing in a decent halo device… not to be used on us of course, but in the off chance aliens did exist, it’d teach em not to mess with us cause we had a means to destroy their planet! mwahahahahaha!
I’d just call Chuck Norris and Terry Crews (the Old Spice guy)!
and whoever that other oldspice guy is, the new one that used to be the dad on everybody hates chris.
look down, now up, back down, now up… I’m holding a nuke with chuck norris duct tapped on it! anybody order a side of butt kicking?
It’z 2 danger-us 2 go alone!!!1!!11!!!! Take dis. *Holds up a kitten*
woah there dude! better keep that kitten hidden for now! wmds of that scale will definitely get the attention of the UN!
beg them to take me off this shithole
and if they refuse, get the planet nuked into molten slag
hmm… wonder if a “pressed ham” is a universal enough gesture to invoke an interstellar diplomatic incident…