Page 4 of the epic Adventures of the Untitled Comic! Kinda messed up my neck last week so uh, I might not have anything for wednesday. >( sry bout thats…
Page 4 of the epic Adventures of the Untitled Comic! Kinda messed up my neck last week so uh, I might not have anything for wednesday. >( sry bout thats…
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Ok still dont have the guts to watch TT for some reason think you can do a comic on it?
Ya ok im just pathetic by this point……..
Oh dear lord. Just go watch it. I fondly remember watching that show as a young adolescent and have nothing but pleasant memories of it. Had a cute plot and some pretty good animation. Just give it the MLP treatment and remember it is a kid’s show and you should be fine. It did get pretty dark for a kid’s show though (hooray! apocalypse!) Seriously, all you have to lose is some time, and I can think of DOZENS of things that are either more unpleasant or wasteful as far as time goes. Number one, extensive dental work.
I don’t want to double post so I’ll just stay here. Pick would have been PERFECT if this was BC wow. Gogo rouge dodge tanking!
Ok that was. A REALLY good anser!
Glad I could help. Tell us what you think of it later, I wanna know.
lol, when Niv tells ya to go and do it, you’d better… else feel her wrath! >D
Disclaimer: Niv may not always give good or sensible advise. Apply common sense before taking any action. Contact your doctor to make sure action is safe for you when you doubt common sense.
What is my wrath anyway…. soggy ramen? Mean glares at a computer screen nobody can see?
dear god! soggy ramen?! you monster!!!!
what did Shawn mean messing up his neck?
I hope he ain’t hurt!!! :(
dunno… working or sleep or combo of both? couldn’t move my head much so not really fun. anyways, went to doc and got some happy pills to make it feel better. not sure if there will be an update for next monday’s WS, but I’ll try to get with the feeling betters. >(
Orcs have curse of dysentery right? right?
don’t they all?
Was he going ” Haters gonna hate” in the last panel ? O.o
lol! that or leo strut!
wrong kind of RPG Mate
probably the same reason I wouldn’t do well in the army… yelling out random encounter and all… that and playing the FF7 theme very loudly while in the middle of combat… >)