Hey guys and gals! Your ol buddy Coffin is back to his shakins! Lets hope I don’t sprain my necks again for a long time!
Anywho, this is my take on how the American system works to pass bills, acts, laws, and what have you. Just look at a lot of the most controversial bills that have passed or went to vote and at their very core, even the most staunch opposers can agree that it seemed like a good idea at the time. See, what happens is that it passes through way too many hands and somehow picks up little extra tidbits here and there until the original bill to outlaw kicking puppies for sport becomes a means to enslave the human race. It’s very odd to me why anything could get tacked on or appended to these documents.
I was pretty tempted to vote anarchy solely because of “Grawalalaweraghgggh!”
lol, I just have an image in my head when I think of anarchists of a bunch of peeps foaming at the mouth with pitchforks and stuff. >)
Well if the ”government” filled with idiots like in today ….I would say give people the rights to accept or shut down the laws….
But today’s people also do not encourage that option since those people are the ones who pick the idiots in the government in the first place.
Hell maybe everyone should create their own laws as long as they won’t break some Universal ones…. that would be simpler, like not killing anyone etc. that kind of Universal laws. Because the rest just sounds nickpicky , especially with the Laws offered today.
yeah, I kind of like the idea of having a few minimal but basic national laws that govern the “well duh” types of things, and the rest be either local or just case by case. I absolutely HATE the legal system we have here where everything is based on another case tried a hundred years ago, because what works then obviously works now.
A system can only be concidered a democracy if the people is allowed to vote; claiming that the people do get their voice heard when they vote for the government is the same thing as sticking the head into the sand. When I vote for government I vote for those whom I believe in will do their best to improve society (which lately have meant to vote blank). When those who get elected to power all of a sudden decide to remove my rights (which they never said they would while asking for me to vote for them), I want a say in that else it’s not a democracy anymore.
It’s kind of bizzarre that we claim to have come really far in our progress when we still have fight to retain civil rights. Once a society have deduced what can be concidered fundamental rights, which is done in order to ensure the safety of all those living in the society, those rights should be impossible to revoke. It’s almost as if our society is not civil at all.
As Wowlock suggested “maybe everyone should create their own laws as long as they won’t break some Universal ones”. I’m completely for that and personally live under my own “laws” stating “I can do whatever I want under the condition that my actions does not cause any kind of harm to anyone but myself”. Although, having that as a law in a country would require that the population was educated enough to be able to think their actions through fully and since independent thought seems to be frowned upon…..
An addition when it comes to the anarchy option in the poll. Anarchy does not mean that anyone can do whatever they want without concidering the consequences. That’s a false image created by those whom insists that a society needs a ruling class in order to function (and strangely convenient, the same people are willing to be those whom take on the burden of being the ruling class). Anarchy is not a synonym to chaos and lawlessness, anarchy simply means that we skip the ruling class in favour of letting the people decide over their own lives.
While a lot of what you say is true, an anarchist society can no longer exist. The major problem with an anarchist society is its inability to defend itself from an attack. An anarchist society is not able to form a military, because no one can control said military, because that would put them in a position of power. That society also wouldn’t collect taxes and therefore wouldn’t be able to properly fund a functional military. If a country became anarchist today, another country would simply invade and expand on their land or an organized militia group would simply take it over and it would become a state ruled by a warlord. Anarchy sounds good on paper, but in reality, only works on a very small scale. This is at least how I see it
unfortunately we don’t actually live in a democracy… kind of the big joke ya know, how much we push the idea on others. it’s a republic guys. same as those snobish jedi. like Winter said, we vote for people to make decisions for us and kind of hope for the best. and I’ve felt the same that for the most part, they don’t really hold up to their end of the bargain. sigh… just elect me and I’ll establish the empire… put an end to all this nonsense!! >D
I don’t think anarchy ever lasts very long… at some point, someone with a little too much ambition starts gaining control and ends up being a dictator. which of course gets overthrown and the cycle starts up again. lol!
hey now! don’t deny the powers of an angry pitchfork laden mob! with torches as well! might not be an army, but I’m sure if you threw wave after wave of mouth foaming men at the enemy, you’d surely make a few dents! XD
Three things that would result almost immediately in America if we turned into a democracy overnight: the repeal of almost all taxes (I DON’T WANNA PAY THAT TAX, OF COURSE I’LL VOTE TO REPEAL IT), spending increases hundreds of times over (OF COURSE I’LL VOTE TO GIVE MYSELF FREE MONEY, I “NEED” AND “DESERVE” IT), national collapse into the angry pitchfork laden mobs (as you put it) having control.
hmm, I too dislike taxes and want free money… tell me more of your lovely new system of government! >D
It’s called democracy, the rule of the mob. If the majority wants it, it happens no matter how foolish, inane, or destructive.
alright! I’m sold! I mean… when has mob mentality ever let us down?
Funny how this is the second time today i heard(read) a discussion on this. I still stand both are imperfect as imperfect gets. A middle ground would be easy way to repeal, i suppose, so thats the best one….
and they say morphic fields don’t exist!
yeah, I think we should have some way to get rid of some of the junk we’ve accumulated along the way.